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Rat Terriers

Aliases: American Rat Terrier, Ratting Terrier, Feist, Decker Giant

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Rat Terrier Articles

Caring for a Rat Terrier Puppy

Puppies are all adorable regardless of their breed. And because they are most endearing, most pet owners tend to do one of two things. They either spoil them silly to the point of the puppy undergoing tyrannical unreasonableness; or to overwhelm the animal with too much attention that it grows wary of human contact. Caring for a Rat Terrier puppy need not end up with a headache. In fact, a Rat Terrier puppy can do better later on in life if it grows up with other pets in the home, which will make your "parenting" a bit easier. This is called socialization training. [...]

Rat Terrier Breeders

Everywhere you turn there seems to be a lot of dog breeders offering their services and their puppies for sale. If you are thinking of finding a Rat Terrier from among the numerous breeding services, here is a list of things to remember. Every dog breed has a specific breeder. So if you want a Rat Terrier puppy, then seek the services of a Rat Terrier breeder. Try to stay (far) away from dog breeders who have a lot of dogs under their name. Chances are, their dogs are procreating on their own (especially when the breeders aren't looking) and you can't be sure if their so-called purebred is really a purebred. A good rule is to only find a Rat Terrier breeder with accreditation. [...]

Rat Terrier Diet

All breeds have specific diets - and these diets are usually dictated by evolution and geographical origins. A Rat Terrier is a hunting dog from the US. Its gene pool is wide and varied. It is definitely a red meat eating breed that can also thrive on fresh fruits. It does not fare well on a diet exclusively made of grains and wheat. Ideally, all dogs should have freshly made food everyday. A Rat Terrier should not be an exception. However, many Rat Terrier owners find it easier to buy a bag of commercial dog food instead. This typical move for convenience contributes to many of the health problems that the average modern Rat Terrier suffers from. [...]

Rat Terrier Grooming

A Rat Terrier's basic conformation stands at 14 to 23 inches at the withers, 12 to 35 pounds and has a short, squat body on rather short, stalk-like legs. Like the rest of its body, a Rat Terrier also has a short coat that lies very close to its body. Unlike many other types of terriers, a Rat Terrier is single-coated. There are no dense outer coats to shield it from the cold or longer tufts of hair to make it look "fluffier." Some sub-species of the Rat Terrier even have an almost hair-less look, with coats so thin that it's almost transparent or wispy white. [...]

Rat Terrier Training

There are two essential training that the Rat Terrier should undergo: obedience and socialization. These two forms of training can be the cornerstone to a very docile pet - one with a very gentle temperament but still maintains a fiery spirit. Undeniably, your Rat Terrier pet can be stubborn or willful at times. It can even be a bit frustrating to teach especially if it suddenly decides to go wandering off instead. Coaxing it gently to sit through training may take a bit of work and a lot of positive reinforcements like food rewards or verbal praise or a few minutes with its favorite toy. [...]

Rat Terrier: Weird Facts/Did You Know?

The Rat Terrier breed has always fascinated Man. It can be described as a potent concoction of brains, brawn and beauty. The Rat Terrier is known for its agility and sweet disposition, its ability to hunt down small game, and its laid back attitude when it comes to staying indoors. Here is a list of things you may want to learn about that tiny terror called Rat Terrier: In Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird," (1960) there was a brief paragraph mentioning a Rat Terrier. Ever wonder why you can't seem to Rat Terrier proof your backyard or your fenced yard? Rat Terriers are avid diggers, and they are small enough to squeeze through loose soil under the fence. [...]

The Differences between Male and Female Rat Terriers

A Rat Terrier is often known by other names, depending on its origin, size and use; or to be more precise: Feist, Decker Giant and Ratting Terrier. In dog registries however, the Rat Terrier is officially named American Rat Terrier. When it comes to conformation and temperament, the male and female species of Rat Terriers do not differ much. But some behaviors are governed by the hormones that dictate gender. So here are a few of the more glaring discrepancies between male and female Rat Terriers. [...]

The Endangered Rat Terrier

As strange as it may sound, the Rat Terrier is actually in danger of breeding itself out. Originally brought over by migrant British workers in the 1920s, the Rat Terrier was made famous by its tiny stature, its seeming ferocity and its fleet-footedness. Some of them worked as vermin control, eradicating rats from farm lands and ranches. Others became excellent hunting companions, going after small game like hare, squirrels and wild fowl. This breed of dogs reached the peak of its popularity between 1920s and 1940s. It was so popular in fact that almost all farm lands and all ranches in the US had one or more Rat Terrier patrolling the landscape. They served multiple duties like sentry or watchdog duties, hunting companion duties and vermin control. [...]

Traveling with Rat Terrier

You may have seen it on TV or in some movie straight off the Hollywood playing field. Celebrities are walking down the red carpet with tiny dogs in their arms, while flashing a smile at the camera. Assuredly, traveling with a pet is not at all that glamorous. Traveling with a pet should come with a lot of planning ahead. A traveling cage is necessary especially for very small dogs that may become uncontrollable during travel. Larger dogs should be under the direction of a leash at all times. Disposable papers and bags are needed in case your pet has one or more accidents along the way. Travel papers and quarantine papers are now often required in airports. If the trip is particularly long and grueling, you need to at least give your pet something to drink or something to eat, and watch out carefully for signs that your pet is about to use the doggy bathroom. [...]

Why Rat Terriers are Great House Pets?

The Rat Terrier is an American dog breed that is known for its very cheery disposition. It is a small spitfire that can tear through a vast track of land effortlessly. It is also a gentle dog, sweet in temperament and acts very kindly towards its human companions and animal friends. A Rat Terrier makes for an excellent house pet. It looks somewhat similar to the Jack Russell Terrier but has the personality of a mischievous little pup. This tiny breed of dog is a veritable marshmallow as compared to the Jack Russell. A Rat Terrier is also known for its abject loyalty to its human companions. Its allegiance tends to rely heavily on the one person it spends the most time with. Training the Rat Terrier and taking it out for exercise or simply playing a game of fetch are some ways to let it develop an emotional attachment to you. [...]

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