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Jennifer's best friends

In the past 2 years we lost our 2 Chow-Chows. First, Cody (AKC Kodiak Oscar) in Sept.2004 of lymphoma cancer. He was 10 years young.He was very loving and loyal to our family. He never showed signs of being sick as he was always the strong master. Then, this past Sept 2005 we lost out Ebony. She was our female Chow.She was my best friend. She was almost 12. She had been showing her loneliness from losing Cody which lead to signs of aging.She had a stroke and we knew she would not be happy living on meds and not being able to run around the yard etc.She had been with me through a messy divorce and sat on my lap every mile moving from FLA to AZ.She was the queen of our castle.Her and Cody never had babies as he was such a gentalman he didn't push the issue when she protested.These 2 will be forever in my heart and will never be forgotten.I cannot wait to see them again...I love you Cody and Ebony and miss you more then anyone knows.
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