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Zoe and Me

God had a plan for you and me
He blessed me with you unexpectedly
Your love and devotion a gift from Above
We fit perfectly, Zoe, like a hand with a glove
You always kept me in your sight;
At my side both day and night
You're loss is more than words can say
Forever in my heart is where you will stay
The Lord loved His creation; a Dog, so much,
That He gave you His name with a reversing touch
You are held close now in the Lord's embrace
Until such a day when I'll take that place
So, until then, my dear old friend,
The Heaven's rejoice now that you are within,
Angels play melodies singing their song
They're waiting for you to put Angel Wings on

In loving memory of my dearest friend and companion, Zoe

Kimberly J. Fink 02/21/06
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