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I will NEVER forget you!

My One, My Only, Mister Right

Hey everybody!
You've got to hear this.
Cupid's arrow shot the butt
of LuvSUX66!

She's got this gorgeous creature,
and he's an extra sweet,
cuddle up,
romantic double feature!

Hey Luv!
What's he look like?
What's his name?
so who's he know?

He has dark hair,
pretty eyes,
and his name is

I don't get mad
when he's out all night,
checks out some females,
or gets in a fight.

Cause my Romeo
comes home at first morning light.
I guess I've finally found
my one, my only Mr. right!

I make him a big breakfast.
Don't care if he gets fat.
I'll never nag or pester him,
so we'll never have a spat.

I know just what you're thinking.
Things never go like that.
But in this case I know they will,
Cause Romeo's my cat!

My sweet kitty kitty cat, Please forgive my selfishness at wanting you with me so much that I brought you to a place where you might not be safe! I will forever remember not to take my own needs as a priority over what is best for those that I love!

Remembering Romeo
The blanket that replaced
your mother's nursing breast.
The time you came right to me,
at my very first behest.

The first time that we met,
you bit my tender thumb.
Bitter sweet thoughts inundate,
then sorrowful tears do come.

I thought first of myself,
for my own selfish needs,
fearful that you're gone for good,
so for you my heart bleeds.

I can not forget you,
your coat so silky soft.
Precious little nose so pink,
you kept my heart aloft.

Days are dark without you,
regret is all I know.
My love for you is endless,
My beloved Romeo.

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