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One life saved, Two taken......

My darling Golden Retriever, Nevaeh Fae's life was taken right before my eyes on a friday afternoon. I was walking home from school and I was so happy it was friday and eger to get home. As I was crossing the street I got a text message and I dropped my phone, When I looked up I saw my cat Feahya across the street, I wasnt paying any attention to the traffic anymore and started to pick up the peices of my phone that had skattered everywhere, I heard Meowing and knew it was Feahya comming over to greet me, I turned around and next thing I knew a car was zooming down the street and was about to hit Feahya, I screamed out her name so that she might've noticed the car....but nothing..moments later I found Feahya in on the street floor dieing. I rushed over to her with eyes full tears crying my heart out saying her name and telling her that everything was going to be alright...she died second later. I didnt know what to do but sit in the middle of the road holding my baby close to me hopeing that maybe, just maybe a miricle would happen and she would come back...but no miricle was about to happen, something way worse was ahead. I moved Feahya to the side walk and went back to get the last peice of my cell phone, I bent down to get it but then when I got up, there was a car just feet away from me, the same car that hit Feahya, standing in shock, my legs couldnt move and then right before the car hit me something pushed me out of the way...it was Nevaeh Fae, I was so happy, but the happyness didnt last long. The car had hit Nevaeh instead of me, Nevaeh lay on the ground bleeding to death, my eyes filled with tears over flowing to my cheeks..i had lost both my best friends by the same car that almost killed me. If it wasnt for Nevaeh Fae I would've been dead at this moment, but she saved me, she gave her life for me, and if I just had not of gotten that one text message that made me drop my phone...both of my best friends would still be alive today. I thank god every day for Nevaeh and her saving my life, and even though I know that she and Feahya are happy together, I miss them dearly.
Nevaeh Fae was Feahya's Mother, Feahya's real mother died from complications from birth, so Nevaeh took Feahya in and nursed her. Please be greatful of the pets you have because you never know when their lifes will be snatched right out of yours.
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