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Dakota Blue

Dakota Blue was our baby. He was a King Shepherd and was taken way to soon. We found out that the orgional breeders had dogs that were not tested and had bad blood so to speak. Dakota's Daddy was so sad and very angery and devistated. Dakota only lived to be eight years old. I have lost my buddy. Our routines in the morning had so much meaning to me. My daughters just don't want to even think about it. We lost him March 7th 2010. It was such a great day until we seen that he was having trouble breathing. There were no symtons leading up to that day. The day before I was working out in the yard and he was following me around and playing with me. By the time we got him to the hospital he was gone. He died on our patio. In spekaing with the doctors they said it probably was his heart and there wouldn't been much they could have done for him. I only have one thing to say when purchasing a dog make sure you get all this records as far as his health. We had his bllod lines but not a medical report as far as his health was concerened. He is so missed and we still can't bring ourselves to purchase another dog. Dakota was so smart and so loving. " Dakota
Blue you have left your footprints and your unconditional love in our hearts" You are so missed every day.
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