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My baby boy Jake... My Heart

It was Feb.24,2004 that I had to make the hardest decision of my life... My baby was in full blown kidney failure and there was nothing that could be done and I seen the pain in his eyes, it was as if I could read his thoughts through his eyes to please help him and take away his pain so I did what was best for my forever friend and I know that I will one day see him again.. I call him my HEART, I heard it in a movie and it was the most touching thing I ever heard and the last thing my baby Jake heard from me ... " You are my HEART and mommy loves you.." He is and we always be my heart and I wondered at the time how I live without my heart and I finally figured it out and that was to share my heart once more as a final thank you to you " Jake " because Jake showed me just how good having a champion is and sharing my love to a puppy who might not have the chance he did without me. It is now 2010 and I have a new puppy and he has helped me heart mend although Jake has never been forgotten... He lays at rest in my HEART with loving thoughts...
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