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The Antics of the Standard Schnauzer

Filed under Dogs
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Tags: Standard Schnauzer, Family Breeds, Behavior

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Hamilton, OH

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The Standard Schnauzer is a very spirited and bold dog. He is loyal and loving to those he calls friend. He is the very epitome of intelligence. In the Standard Schnauzer you will find a reliable and devoted soul. He is extremely watchful and composed.
The Standard Schnauzer is to be considered an alpha breed and will need an experienced and consistent trainer. They can be easy to train if you have earned their trust and respect. They will respond well to an attitude that is positive and a supply of rewards that is never-ending.
The Standard Schnauzer is to be considered a comedian. His antics are compulsory and designed to make you laugh. He is a true entertainer. He will feed off of the attention that you will give to his jokes. Once the Standard Schnauzer has learned to love you, they will be loyal, loving and have even been known to dote upon their owners.
They adore being with their owner at each and every moment. They will devotedly follow them absolutely everywhere. They have an extreme need to be in the same proximity of you at all times. They will invade your personal space without regard for your feelings. They must invade you comfort zone in order to be truly happy.
The Standard Schnauzer does have a sensitive or softer side. He can be very loving and loyal to his owner. The Standard Schnauzer can even be intuitive or aware of its owner's moods. At this time, your Standard Schnauzer will become physically close to you and watch you.
The Standard Schnauzer is an independent thinker. This can be both good and bad. You know how they say;"Idle hands are the tools of the devil?" Well that might hold true to a Standard Schnauzer that does not have enough mental and physical stimulation!
They can be destructive if they become bored. The Standard Schnauzer can become a rebel without a cause. He can utterly destroy your tidy house and yard on a mere whim. It won't take him long to do it either! Without enough stimulation, your home, yard, and all of your belongings could be in serious trouble!
On the softer and caring side of the Standard Schnauzer is its ability to sniff things out. The nose of the Standard Schnauzer is even being researched! One owner has attributed his life to being saved by his Standard Schnauzer.
The owner noticed over a period of time his Standard Schnauzer kept sniffing a particular spot on the owner's hand. Finally, he asked his medical doctor about it and some tests were done. Cancer had been detected. A Standard Schnauzer's nose doesn't always lead to trouble!
The Standard Schnauzer is truly a dog that will make you laugh and cry. Sometimes it can make you do both at once depending on the circumstances! He is a devoted and loyal friend. He will be there for you his entire life and may lay his own down to save you. Is there really a better definition of friend than that?

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The Antics of the Standard Schnauzer
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