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For Sale

Training the Standard Schnauzer

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Standard Schnauzer, Training, Temperament, Socialization, Obedience Training, Agility Training

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The Standard Schnauzer is a canine that needs firm training. They are very intelligent and can learn quickly, but they will challenge authority. An owner must clearly show or demonstrate to the Standard Schnauzer that they, the human, is the boss-not the dog with the human brain.

The Standard Schnauzer will display a strong will or temperament. They can have an obstinate nature that will challenge you at every turn. The trainer or owner must be firm and unyielding. They must demand respect from this dog.

The Standard Schnauzer is considered to be one of the smartest breeds with an uncanny sense of problem solving. The owner of the Standard Schnauzer must quickly establish himself or herself as the alpha leader. Otherwise you will find yourself with a Standard Schnauzer who considers himself "top dog" and will be full of attitude. This could pose several problems that you really won't want to deal with. Only through a firm and consistent training schedule will the Standard Schnauzer defer to your leadership. Even when you think you have won the battle, the war will not be over. This dog will test your patience and dedication often. He will check for any sign of weakness in which he may have the excuse to take over and begin to boss you around. He will push it to the limits over and over again.

An integral part of training would be socialization. The Standard Schnauzer must have exposure to "normal" or friendly people. This will help them to quickly establish a sense of the good guy or bad guy persona. He must learn how to choose correctly. Without the socialization opportunity of being around both humans and other dogs, the Standard Schnauzer can become introverted. They can become known as the neighborhood mean and biting dog. That is just the thing you don't want to have happen! This can be avoided by simply making those social opportunities happen.

The Standard Schnauzer can be trained to compete in many different doggie sports. They are eager and happy to prove themselves through competition. They will generally excel at Obedience due to their eagerness to please and utmost intelligence. This will only work if you have established yourself as the Alpha leader. If you have not gained control of this situation, then participation in Obedience competition is futile. Obedience competition will provide an outstanding opportunity for the handler and the Standard Schnauzer to work together as a team.

Another sport in which the Standard Schnauzer can be trained is in Agility. This is basically an obstacle course in which the handler directs the Standard Schnauzer through off of its leash. The handler must not touch the Standard Schnauzer or the equipment. This dog will excel at this sport. They love the challenge that this sport provides for them both mentally and physically. They truly become enchanted with the course and will be eager to master the challenge that is laid before them.

With firm and consistent training, the Standard Schnauzer will become submissive to his trainer. This will result in a pleasant relationship both at home and in the field of competition.

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Training the Standard Schnauzer
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