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Showing a Smooth Fox Terrier

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Smooth Fox Terrier, Fox Terrier (Smooth), Show, AKC Conformation




Hazlehurst, GA

German Shepherd Dog

The smooth fox terrier was once used as a hunting dog, but in the late 19th century it was recognized by The Kennel Club as the first breed in the fox terrier family. Many of the terrier breeds are believed to have originated from the smooth fox terrier. Today the smooth fox terrier is known as a show dog as well as a good family pet.

If you have a smooth fox terrier in your family and are preparing it for dog shows, you will come to realize that there are many qualities as well as standards that the smooth fox terrier must meet to qualify in some shows. The reason dog shows have standards is because they were originally intended to showcase the future breeding stock as well as to showcase the results of existing breeding programs. Many dog shows require participants to conform to a specifically written standard that describes the appearance of the breed. Depending on the seriousness of the competition the appearance of the smooth fox terrier can become very important.

According to the American Kennel Club standard, the smooth fox terrier must present an appearance that is lively and active and show bone strength as well as power. The smooth fox terrier must also be a full-sized, well balanced dog that does not exceed 15 1/2 inches, the length from the withers to the root of the tail should not exceed 12 inches and the head should not exceed 7 1/4 inches or be less than 7 inches. The smooth fox terrier should approximately weigh 18 pounds with a well balanced body. The coat of the smooth fox terrier should be smooth, flat and hard as well as abundant with the belly and the underside of the thighs being bare. The color of the smooth fox terrier is not of much importance, however the white of the coat should be predominate. The smooth fox terrier should also have a particular gait as well as a stance.

There are also particular features that will cause the smooth fox terrier to be disqualified in a show, for example if the smooth fox terrier has ears that are pricked, a nose that is white, cherry or spotted, and a mouth that is undershot or overshot. All these features can cause the smooth fox terrier to be disqualified in a show. So if you are interested in enrolling your smooth fox terrier into a dog show there is much research and preparation that is involved. You must not only prepare your smooth fox terrier in appearance, but prepare them for being judged on their behavior as well. You must also ensure that your smooth fox terrier has the personality as well as the patience for dog shows before entering them.

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Showing a Smooth Fox Terrier
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