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Training the Finnish Spitz to hunt

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Tags: Finnish Spitz, Hunting Dog, Training, Service Dogs

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Finnish Spitz are an active and lively breed of dogs and can be trained to be the perfect pets as well hunting dogs.

Dogs of this breed have moderate training requirements, which primarily include training for hunting, respect training, socialization and basic mannerisms.

However, the most crucial aspect of training this breed is the technique followed and the method of training to be adopted. In addition, in training for aspects like hunting, precision and accuracy are the most important skills that this breed needs to be trained on.

Experts suggest that for the trainers of the Finnish Spitz, it is important to enjoy the process and even the minor accomplishments, since the quirky and quick nature of the breed will often pose training challenges at an amazingly fast pace.

In the further sections, we have discussed some of the most crucial aspects of training the Finnish Spitz, in detail.

Train to Hunt

The basic fundamental of training a Finnish Spitz lies in the type of hunting skill inherent in this breed. The dogs of the Finnish Spitz breed possess a distinctive nature of hunt. Owing to this very trait, the Finnish Spitz form an excellent companion and facilitator for a hunter.

The ground principle of training a Finnish Spitz to hunt is to train to range ahead of the hunter, until the dog is able to spot its quarry. Once the quarry has been located, the dog is then taught to follow its prey until the bird settles in the tree.

The next step is to train the dog to attract the bird's attention by running backwards and forwards, swaying its tail in the process. This provides a false sense of security to the bird who judges from the dog's movements that the dog is gone. It is now that the alert Finnish Spitz is taught to draw the hunter's attention by barking.

The dog is specifically taught to bark slowly and then making it louder gradually. This goes on until the dog's barking noise reaches a crescendo and it becomes a clear, ringing tone that carries an enormous distance. Once this stage is crossed, the hunter then slowly approaches the prey, with noises, if any, getting drowned by the barking of the dog.

The most critical aspect of training at this point is to train the dog to stop barking if the bird moves off before the hunter is in position. The dog is then taught to track again until the bird settles down once more.

Interestingly, this technique of barking and hunting is similar to those taught to Elkhound and several similar Spitz breeds. In fact, there are proper official barking competitions held for such breeds in Scandinavia to adjudge the King of Barkers.

Respect Training

The second most crucial aspect of training a Finnish Spitz is to train the dogs to respect their owner. Known as Respect Training, this aspect of the training process intends to make the dog an adjustable and obedient pet as well as a hunting dog.

Here we list some of the most common mannerisms that signal that your Finnish Spitz is in need of respect training

  • Talking back

  • Darting out of reach when called

  • Clinging on to objects

  • Pestering the owner a lot

  • Stealing food

  • Grumbling to the owner

  • Struggling while grooming

  • Being hostile towards guests

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