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For Sale

Life with a Mastiff

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Mastiff, Exercise

Akc Bull Terriers Free Shipping!!!



Corning, CA

Bull Terrier

As the owner of a Mastiff, you have to be ready to show a lot of care and adoration for your Mastiff. This is because the Mastiff is a loyal and loving dog that just loves being around you. In fact, it is so devoted and attached to you that it will want to accompany you on rides in your car to the beach, park and even to work.

You should ensure that your Mastiff gets its daily routine of exercise by walking it and playing with it. Keep your yard fenced, and spend some time everyday with your Mastiff out on the yard. Make sure you teach your Mastiff some obedience tricks like 'come', 'sit', 'stay' and 'down', so that you can maintain your control over it wherever you go. Otherwise, when you go walking down the street with your Mastiff on a leash, you may end up being dragged down the street by its sheer strength.
Be ready for big, wet and slobbery kisses from your Mastiff dog as this is one thing the dog loves doing to its owner. It has a habit of sneaking up on you, even when you are deep in sleep, and don't be surprised to find your Mastiff snuggling up to you as Mastiffs are known to do that. A Mastiff also loves touching human beings and it likes to lay its head on your lap or perhaps it would paw you to say 'Hi!' too!

As the Mastiff grows, you will find that it tends to sleep less and is awake more often. And since it is more awake, it will be around you more. And in case it does not see you, the Mastiff has a tendency to cry too. Though all puppies tend to cry on the first few days, Mastiffs are different as they cry even when they are adults. They are very sensitive dogs and they express their emotions very openly.

To own a Mastiff, you have to have a house that is large enough for the 150 lb to 230 lb Mastiff. If you own a small house and intend to leave the Mastiff outside chained to a doghouse, you should drop the idea as this will lead to the development of behavioral problems. As Mastiffs tend to slobber after eating and drinking, keep slobber rags handy in strategic locations to wipe away the mess.

If you are a light sleeper or one who needs silence to sleep, it is better that you think twice before getting a Mastiff. This is because the Mastiff snores so badly that you think a train is going through the house! It is quite evident that owning a Mastiff can be a very challenging job, so buy a Mastiff only if you are sure you can adjust your lifestyle to meet the lifestyle of the Mastiff.

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