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Minimizing Tear Stains on Yorkshire Terriers

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Tags: Yorkshire Terrier, Grooming, Tear Stains, Eye Disorders, Health, Genetic Disorders

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Although it is natural for most Yorkshire terriers to have a bit of tearing from their eyes, if it is extreme, the result is not only unattractive but also uncomfortable for the dog. There are ways to minimize tear stains making the Yorkie look and feel better. When your Yorkshire terrier's eyes tear too much, the resulting damp hair under its eyes becomes a prime breeding ground for yeast and bacterial growth. This dampness results in reddish-brown stains. The very first step to minimizing tear stains on your Yorkshire terrier is to take him or her to your veterinarian to find out the cause of excessive staining and tearing. Your vet will start to rule out the many possible serious health problems such as allergies, eye infection, yeast infections, infected tear ducts, teeth infection, ear infection, inverted eyelids or other medical problems. Often they run a sensitivity and culture test on the residue. If the Yorkie does have any of these problems, once the vet remedies this condition, the heavy tear staining should start to fade away slowly.

Although medical issues sometimes relate to tearing, other issues such as genetics, care, and environment may also be part of the problem. Getting rid of as many of these causes as possible first, helps reduce or eliminate tearing and staining problems. In Yorkshire terriers with allergies, try minimizing tearing and staining by using an air purifier to remove some of the allergens in the house, use distilled or filtered water, provide proper ventilation, keep their environment clean and keep the hair out of the Yorkies eyes. If moisture and not a medical condition cause the staining, try to keep the stained areas under the eyes as clean as you are able. Remove as debris or gunk from the edges of your dogs' eyes daily, because letting this build up contributes to staining and is irritating to your Yorkshire terriers' eyes. Use warm water on a gauze pad to wipe the stained areas gently. Some Yorkie owners prefer using a boric acid solution regularly to clean under the eye area and minimize staining. You find boric acid powder at the drugstore. To make the solution, into half a cup of boiling water add one-quarter teaspoon of boric acid. After letting the solution cool, use a cotton ball to wipe the tear stained area gently a few times daily. Cover and keep the leftover boric acid solution in the fridge for five or six days.

There are several tear stain removers available on the market that help minimize tear staining on Yorkshire terriers but be sure to do your research and make careful choices as the product is applied near your dogs' sensitive eyes. Stain away from any products containing harsh ingredients, bleach, alcohol, or has a strong odor. Talk to your vet or groomer to find products they recommend for Yorkshire terriers. Try a few different tear stain removers until your find one that works well on your Yorkshire terrier.

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Minimizing Tear Stains on Yorkshire Terriers
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