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Training The Dogue de Bordeaux, Police Work

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Tags: Dogue De Bordeaux, Training, Service Dogs

Standard Poodle Puppies For Sale


Hamilton, OH

Standard Poodle

The Dogue de Bordeaux also referred to as a French Mastiff has gained popularity and respect as a well trained police dog. The history of the breed refers to the dog as a bodyguard, watchdog and a tracker of bear, bulls and other animals. Because of the nature of the dog, it makes an excellent police dog. The training is similar to other breeds except the Dogue de Bordeaux is so large, extra measures are taken in training. In order for this breed to train for police work, they need to have proper puppy training. Understanding and learning the basic dog commands and obedience training is important.

After proper socialization, basic puppy training and obedience training the Dogue de Bordeaux is ready to begin training for police work. They can train for search and rescue, tracking, crowd control and narcotic detection. There are different classes and structured setting that the dogs are trained in to become a qualified and certified police dog. Extra care is taken when training the Dogue because they are strong and can sometimes overpower the inexperience handler. Therefore, all training should be done with the handler who plans to work with the dog and live with the Dogue.

Narcotic Training

The dogs train with a handler for about two hundred hours, although every training camp has different requirements to become certified. The intense training can be hard on the Dogue, but they will become the best in their class. Narcotic training is done by exposing them to different type s of drugs and different quantities. They will learn to search vehicles, luggage, properties and packages. After a lengthy training period, the Dogue de Bordeaux becomes a leader in the field of narcotic searches. Dogs normally trained in this particular field are used for crowd control and tracking as well.

General Police Training

The Dogue completes the general police work training, which teaches them control work, searching for evidence, box searching, muzzle training, obedience and tracking. This course is where general duties are learned and after certification, the narcotic training can begin. The entire training for the handler and the Dogue de Bordeaux will require about ten weeks training at a police training camp for both training sessions. Since the nature of the breed is loyalty to the owner or handler, the training sessions add to the strong bond already formed between the two. This along makes the handler and the dog a perfect police team and learning the drills and techniques goes smoothly.

Police training for the Dogue de Bordeaux was considered because of the history of the dog. This dog breed learns quickly and retains what they learn just as do many other trained breeds. The extra care in their training comes because of their massive body weight. When doing track training, the Dogue can sometimes overpower a predator and cause some injury. They have to learn precise track and attack methods as to not hurt someone severely. Other than their huge body structure, the Dogue de Bordeaux is an excellent police dog.

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Training The Dogue de Bordeaux, Police Work
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