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Coat Care for Cesky Terriers

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Tags: Cesky Terrier, Grooming, Hair Care

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New Holland, PA

Labrador Retriever

The short-legged Cesky terrier has bushy eyebrows, beard, and mustache and a silky, wavy coat. Although all puppies are born black, their coat lightens as they reach a year or two. Their coats are usually several shades of blue-grey with yellow, white, light coffee, gray, or tan furnishings although light coffee is very rare. The coat care for Cesky terriers requires a far amount of time because, although they are non-shedding, their soft coat mats if not looked after properly. For terrier owners not showing their pet, they often choose to keep their dogs coat shorter than the standards for show dogs.

Adult Cesky terriers require brushing with a soft, small slicker brush once or twice weekly. After brushing, you should comb your terrier to remove any tangles hidden close to the skin. A Cesky terrier puppy's coat requires brushing and combing daily because it usually mats more than an adult dog's coat. When grooming a puppy, after brushing him use the fine toothed metal comb to remove smaller mats, brushing in both directions. By doing this daily, it keeps your puppy free of mats and makes the grooming experience much more pleasant for both you and your terrier puppy. Always brush and comb your dog before bathing him, using the edge of the comb to remove any mats carefully and gently. Wet mats are far harder and more painful to remove from your dog than dry mats. Be sure to check under his armpits and between his paw pads for mats.

Coat care for your Cesky terrier requires bathing, which you should do before you clip your dog. This is approximately every six to eight weeks. You may have to bathe him in between if he gets very dirty but bathing your terrier too often can dry out his coat and skin. Depending upon where you live, you should blow your pet dry after his bath in colder climates or let him air dry in warmer climates. Because of the hair on your dog's face, always use a high quality, tearless shampoo. Rinse your dog thoroughly until you remove all the shampoo and then rinse him again. Use a quality conditioner to keep his coat soft and healthy looking. To avoid irritation, some people put glycerin ointment, obtained at a pet supply store or from your veterinarian, in the dog's eyes.

Your Cesky terrier requires trimming every ten to twelve weeks using electric clippers and a show dog requires trimming more often. Unlike many terrier breeds, a Cesky is not hand-stripped. Remove the ear passages' loose hair and clip any excess hair you find between the pads on your dog's feet. The ACTC has a grooming chart available for owners wanting to trim their dog's hair themselves. It gives detailed grooming instructions and equipment suggestions.

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Coat Care for Cesky Terriers
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