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Fun Activities With A Cesky Terrier

Filed under Dogs
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1 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Cesky Terrier, Playtime, Obedience, Behaviorial Training, Training, Earth Dog, Service Dogs

Teacup Yorkie Puppies For Sale



Grand Rapids, MI

Yorkshire Terrier

Since the Cesky Terrier has such an outstanding personality and temperament and gets along well with kids and other dogs they are an ideal breed for a family that loves to take their pet with them. Unlike many of the terrier breeds the Cesky does not have as high of a prey instinct and is not as prone to chasing or running when off-leash once they are fully obedience trained. This means that the Cesky is a very versatile dog that can enjoy a huge range of activities.

While there are always the traditional terrier type sports such as earthdog competitions, obedience events and show events, the Cesky can also compete or participate in many other events. Flyball is an extremely popular exhibition and competition event that the Cesky can excel at. Flyball is basically a team relay sport where teams of four dogs of any breed compete against other groups of four dogs in a short race. The dogs each must run down a 51 foot course and cross 4 hurdles, hit a spring loaded tennis ball launcher at the other end, catch the tennis ball as it is launched and run back, over the hurdles to the next dog in line. The first team with all four dogs across the finish line wins the race. The races are divided into different divisions based on the size of the dogs and the level that the dogs are competing at. The North American Flyball Association record for the course is under 20 seconds for the whole team of four dogs to finish the course.

Another great activity for your Cesky Terrier is to plan a dog day out and invite your friends with dogs to all meet for a walk and a dog play day. This is fun for both the pets as well as the people and allows lots of time for socialization for the dog and the humans. You may want to consider finding a place to go that is out in the country, at a lake, or even at a friend's house that has a large yard.

Since the Cesky Terrier loves to spend time involved in the family taking them hiking, camping and even boating is a lot of fun for many families. There are special life jackets for dogs if you are going out on the water, but the Cesky will be just as happy to run along the beach and just swim out a bit with the people.

You may even want to consider starting a "Bring your dog to work day" as a great way to enjoy your pets company at work and in the office. Since the Cesky is so sociable these type of events are really made to order for the breed.

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Fun Activities With A Cesky Terrier
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