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Large, Strong, and Fast: The Anatomy of an Anatolian and Appearance

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Tags: Anatolian Shepherd, Agility, Guard Dog, Working Dog, Service Dogs, Exercise

Akc Champion Litter Comming Soon



yucca valley, CA

Miniature Schnauzer

The Anatolian Shepherd is a strong, fast dog that has endurance, power, and agility. The appearance of the dog reflects its ability to overpower and conquer any animal or person trying to enter its territory without permission. The Anatolian is a large breed that is all muscle and strength. The large build of the dog shows its tolerability to endure months of being in the mountains taking care of the flock protecting them from animals such as wolves. They stand up to thirty-two inches and can reach weight of one hundred and forty-three pounds making them very powerful if they need to be.

The Speed and Warnings of the Anatolian Shepherd

Even with their large bodies, the Anatolian is able to reach a speed of nearly thirty-five miles an hour without missing a step. Their versatile bodies are solid and their leg muscles allow them to lunge at unsuspecting predators in a swift and smooth motion. Looking at the Anatolian, you would never expect the dog to be a guardian watchdog. They look sweet and lovable with their big heads and dark eyes. This breed of dog is sometimes misunderstood as being mean because people think they can approach the dog without a problem. This is not true with the Anatolian Shepherd.

The reason the dog barks at people, is that they are giving a warning that you have come too close to their territory that they are guarding. If a person does not obey the warning, the dog will have a tendency to back their predator backwards and if that does not work, they have a tendency to lunge at the subject to chase them away. The Anatolian is a powerful dog that will hold its own against any sized intruder. This is their nature; it was not something they were taught as young puppies.

The Anatolian Shepherd Growth

A fully developed Anatolian does not occur until they reach the age of three or four, but can be bred at the age of two years. As the Anatolian grows and develops, they have emotional, mental, and physical changes that take place. As the dog eases out of puberty, they begin to develop a different look; their bodies are gaining muscle strength making them quite uncontrollable if you have not showed them you are the leader. They will get bigger as they grow and their weight will become an issue if you do not have room for them to get some exercise.

The anatomy of the Anatolian Shepherd is unlike any other breed. The way they grow and develop is different where larger breeds are fully developed by the age of two. The Anatolian Shepherd has some traits of other working dogs, but they seem to have the most developed instincts at an early age. Their overall look with their curled up tail is a true vision when you see them standing guard. They look lovable at home, but when they are working, they are the only boss and control the territory.

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Large, Strong, and Fast: The Anatomy of an Anatolian and Appearance
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