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For Sale

The Beauceron as a Watchdog

Filed under Dogs
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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Beauceron, Guard Dog, Aggressive, Herding Dog, Working Dog, Service Dogs, Training

The Best Family Dog Ever!! 5 Year Gu…



Summersville WV & son in Montpelier Va, WV


The Beaceron has a natural affinity to guarding people and things. It is an excellent guard dog whose appearance and demeanor command respect.

There is a strong instinct to guard his home and most importantly, his master. He is a loyal friend to his master. Anyone who appears to threaten his master should watch out! It will not tolerate anything it deems a threat to its master. This dog is highly territorial and will not tolerate an intruder on his property. This dog deems his master as his personal territory.

The Beauceron will fearlessly guard and protect with little regard to his own safety. He is truly on the job and will make sure that it is completed to perfection. He will even guard and protect other animals on the property as long as he deems them a part of the family. He will usually do well with cats if he is introduced to them as a puppy. They will become accepted as family, and therefore will be protected from anything that may threaten them.

The Beauceron is an intelligent and brave dog. As such, it has been used as a guard dog in police work in France. It will guard a business or warehouse. It will guard private property. It truly shows its discipline and vigilance while assuming the role of a guard dog.

The Beauceron is loyal to those he deems as a friend. He does not take kindly to being approached without the respect his demeanor commands. He can be aggressive with animals he doesn't know or with strangers. He is brave and faithful in all that he does.

Although this dog is sociable, he should never be approached by a stranger while he is on duty. He will aggressively protect his territory and family.

The Beauceron is quickly gaining popularity across North America as a family watchdog and companion. There is a definite security in having this breed around. He has the tendencies and intelligence of the Doberman and the German Shepherd. He will guard the children, the home, the master, and all else he deems appropriate. He is a take charge type of dog. Due to his size, it is recommended that the Beauceron only be around older children who are well behaved. But with diligent training, he can be trusted around smaller children.

The Beauceron was originally bred to herd and drive flocks of sheep. It soon became apparent to the shepherds that he had a natural instinct to guard them also. He was often used to play the role of watchdog on the farmyard.

He became more and more popular in France as a working dog due to his capabilities and versatility. He was recruited into the military and is still used there today. He is a top notch soldier and careful watcher for his country. He serves bravely and fearlessly. His natural instincts and various abilities are what make him popular for serving as a watchdog in whichever role he is asked. He is faithful to the smaller territory of family or the larger territory of country. This is truly an amazing guard dog who takes his role seriously. Strangers should beware!

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The Beauceron as a Watchdog
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