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Are Brussels Griffons Good Family Dogs?

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Brussels Griffon, Family Breeds, Aggressive, Behavior, Training

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Valley Stream , NY


Before you adopt a Brussels Griffon puppy, you need to look at the dog's personality to see if he will work for your specific living situation. One of the most important parts about your living situation that will greatly affect any dog, especially a Brussels Griffon, is whether or not you have a family with small children. While a Brussels Griffon may seem like the perfect, tiny, family dog, he is not a good match for young families, no matter how early the children are introduced to him or how careful they are around him.

Children are by nature loud and wild. They run and roll and play in the house, and this is not a bad thing. Children need to be this way to truly be healthy. Unfortunately, small breeds and toy breeds like the Brussels Griffon do not do well in these situations. While there are many reasons for this, the main reasons are the dog's shy temperament and his delicate size.

The average Brussels Griffon, while curious and intelligent, is not a fan of loud noises. Loud noises can be very distressing to this dog; he may feel intimidated by shouting or raucousness, and this can lead him to fear for his safety. Any dog that fears for himself will react harshly, no matter how well he has been trained. The Brussels Griffon will also react to what he interprets as threatening noises with defensive behaviors, and these behaviors can be defensive biting. Of course, a dog who defensively bites is not one that should be around children.

Fast movements can also have a similar effect on the Brussels Griffon. Just like when he feels threatened by loud noises, the Brussels Griffon may react poorly to the fast movements of children. Running, throwing, and general playing will make the Brussels Griffon revert to the same behaviors discussed above: defensiveness and possible biting.

Finally, the most important thing to consider about the Brussels Griffon is his tiny size. Most toy breeds are incredibly delicate, and the Brussels Griffon is no exception. Most Brussels Griffons will not exceed 8 to 12 inches in height, and 8 to 12 pounds in weight. This is a very small dog, and small children are generally not very aware of small animals that may be in their path. A child could easily roll onto a Brussels Griffon, step on him, or accidentally drop him. Any of these things could and will greatly injure such a tiny dog, or even kill the dog.

Older children who are very careful and quiet are often approved for being around Brussels Griffons. However, there is still a little skepticism that children should be around Brussels Griffons at all. It is probably a good basic rule that if your family has children under the age of 14 that a Brussels Griffon is not a good choice of companion dog.

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Are Brussels Griffons Good Family Dogs?
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