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The Loyalty of a St. Bernard: Your Great Big Buddy

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Saint Bernard, Family Breeds

Teacup Yorkie Puppies For Sale



Grand Rapids, MI

Yorkshire Terrier

St. Bernards have a lot of wonderful characteristics. They are great family dogs, and are tolerant of other pets. They are fun dogs, and are very friendly. They love to do whatever their owner is doing, so they are terrific companions. They are happy going for a walk with you, or just sitting on the couch and reading with you. But the best part about the St. Bernard dog breed is their loyalty.

These dogs are exceptionally loyal to their masters, and will even defend them if they are being threatened. This is not to say that St. Bernards are aggressive - far from it. Rather, the St. Bernard's loyalty for his family and his master will supercede his natural wiring as a docile animal. This is very unusual for such a temperament, and it is one of the most remarkable characteristics of the St. Bernard.

The St. Bernard as a breed are very friendly dogs. They love people and really strive to be friends with everyone. This is wonderful for people who have a lot of visitors to their home because they don't have to worry about their St. Bernard becoming territorial. However, the moment that supposedly friendly visitor threatens a member of the St. Bernard's pack, he will move to protect the person, and this, too, is a great characteristic.

This proves that the St. Bernard is a loyal dog. He bonds closely to his master, and he also forms very strong bonds to the other members of his "pack" or family. When he is raised with children in the home, they become part of his pack or family, and as a part of that family, the St. Bernard become loyal to them as well.

The St. Bernard will thrive on spending time with his family, and he will not handle it well if he is left behind. This is one of the problems with such a loyal dog: he pouts and often becomes destructive when he is left alone for extended periods of time. However, this is a trait that is common in most dog breeds and should not be thought of as a problem particular to the St. Bernard breed.

Your St. Bernard dog will want to spend time with you and your family, so make sure that when you go to the park or to a friend's house for the day that you take him with you. A well-socialized St. Bernard will love being around new people and will quickly form friendships with your friends, especially ones who are around him often. Of course, his loyalty is always to you, so there is no need to worry that he will transfer his affections to someone else.

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The Loyalty of a St. Bernard: Your Great Big Buddy
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