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How To Handle Aggression In A Komondor

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Komondor, Aggressive, Behavior, Obedience, Training

Akc/iccf Cane Corso



Elizabethtown , KY


A Komondor is not by nature aggressive towards people, but it is very strong-willed. It mostly has a calm temperament unless it is provoked. Some of the things that can provoke a Komondor to act aggressively are territorial intrusions and threats to an owner or the owner's livestock. This is mostly due to its protective temperament and less due to inbred hostility.

You will need to put the dog into obedience training as a puppy, so that it can become better socialized within your family. Having people around the dog when it is young and unable to harm anyone, is also another way to help it get used to strangers a bit more. The Komondor is naturally suspicious of all people who are not members of the household, but with proper training and supervision it can be socialized to accept strangers who are guests in your home. This needs to be taken care of when the pup is young because once it gets to its full size it will be more difficult to control and train the dog to obey. If you have any qualms about your dog's aggressive tendencies, always supervise any guests you have in your home when the dog is around.

If your dog is not being exercised properly or has become bored, it can display behavior like chewing things to bits or barking. This is not to be confused with aggressiveness as it is more a need for attention. A large dog like this needs to be exercised and mentally stimulated to be kept happy in your home.

The Komondor can be highly aggressive towards other animals. This comes from its instinct to keep predators away from the livestock that it was bred to guard in the past. The dog does recognize the pets and children that belong to the family and protects them, but it will be not as kind to outside animals that intrude in its territory. It can also become aggressive if it perceives any kind of threat to the charges under its care. For this reason, the dog needs to be isolated from neighbors and their pets or livestock. The dog was brought up to make decisions for the safety of the herd, but in a modern setting this same instinct can be dangerous to other animals and people. Thus, the obedience training must instill the right to override any protective instinct the dog may have with the final word being given to the owner of the dog.

If your dog displays aggressive tendencies when it has previously had a more controlled and calm demeanor, you may need to have it checked out by the veterinarian to rule out any medical conditions affecting its temperament.

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How To Handle Aggression In A Komondor
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