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Articles > Keywords > Anesthetics


Anesthesia in Pets Greatly Improved

Anesthesia has a well documented place in both human and animal medicine, and it's especially critical as a way to calm and treat animals who are frightened and in pain. The anesthetics that are used in veterinary medicine today are much safer than ones used in the past, and their results are much more predictable. Gas anesthetics can be quickly eliminated by simply removing the mask. Injectable anesthetics, meanwhile, all have a reversal agent that can be quickly administered if there are any adverse effects, such as a drop in the dog's blood pressure. This additional safety is very important, since veterinarians use anesthetics more than regular medical doctors. That's because many animals become extremely terrified or agitated while at the vet's. Therefore anesthesia is often used in procedures like X-rays, joint examinations and laparoscopic procedures. [...]

Anesthetic Reactions in Whippets

Whippets, like other members of the Sighthound group of breeds, have traditionally had problems undergoing anesthesia for surgery. Thanks to advances in veterinary science, most veterinarians are aware of the special needs of these dogs when administering anesthesia and there are fewer problems today than in the past. That being said, every responsible Whippet owner should be aware of the dangers of anesthesia in Sighthounds in case there is a chance of having to undergo surgery during the dog's lifetime. In this article, we'll take a look at why Whippets need special care when being administered anesthesia and what you can do to make sure your dog will be safe if it has to undergo surgery. [...]

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