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Articles > Keywords > Dermatomyositis


Dermatomyositis: Skin Lesions First Sign of This Rare Disorder

Dermatomyositis (and its related disorder, ulcerative dermatosis) occurs when a dog's skin and underlying muscles become inflamed. The first sign of the disease is a series of lesions that appear on the skin by the time the dog is six months of age. In many cases, muscle problems also develop later on. In dogs the condition is similar to that of humans, producing blisters and crusting that occur mainly in the groin and underarm regions. [...]

Dermatomyositis Is Most Common in Young Collies and Sheepdogs

The skin and muscle wasting condition known as dermatomyositis is most common in the collie and shepherd breeds including the Shetland Sheepdog, Smooth and Rough Collies, German Shepherds, Australian Cattle Dog, Chow Chows and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The exact mode of inheritance of the condition is not completely understood but it is believed to be a dominant variable condition which means that as long as one of the parents has the disorder the puppies may show the condition. Each puppy in the litter may have the condition in various degrees from serious hair loss and muscle weakness to no obvious signs of the condition. Since there is this variation between the expression of the condition within a litter there may be other factors such as the overall health of the puppy as well as the development of the immune system that play a big part in how serious or how mild the condition develops in individual dogs. [...]

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