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Articles > Keywords > Hypothyroidism


Dog Overweight? Don't Forget to Check the Thyroid

The thyroid gland performs a variety of functions, but is probably best known for its effect on regulating metabolism. Common in dogs and humans, hypothyroidism occurs when a dog's or person's body isn't producing enough thyroid hormone. In dogs this causes a wide variety of chronic symptoms, including lethargy, hair loss, a dull coat, skin problems, weight gain, obesity, anemia, high cholesterol and even a slowed heart rate or abnormal heart rhythms. As with humans, the symptoms are vague enough and non-specific enough that it's common for a dog to have the condition for several years before being diagnosed and treated. [...]

Hypothermia And Cold Related Health Concerns

Not all dogs are suitable for staying outdoors for long or even short periods of time in cold weather. There are actually many breeds of dogs that are highly cold intolerant. These tend to be the toy breeds and miniatures, however there are larger breeds that are not at all suited to being outdoors in cold weather. Some of the more cold susceptible breeds include the Chinese Crested, Mexican Hairless, Chihuahua, Boxers, Boston Terriers and Whippets. [...]

Endocrine Disorders In Dogs

The endocrine system plays a very important part in the regulation and control of all the other systems with the body. This is true for any type of animal, including us as humans. The endocrine system is comprised of different organs and tissues that actually produce the hormones in the body, which in turn regulate all the other body functions from brain functioning through to reproduction. [...]

Health Concerns with Akitas

As with any purebred breed of dogs there are some genetic health problems associated with the Akita breed. They are not typically unhealthy dogs and virtually all of the health issues within the breed can be tested for prior to breeding, ensuring that reputable breeders are not producing genetically inferior litters. With this breeds surge in popularity in the early 1970s through the 1980 many puppy mills and backyard breeders produced genetically unhealthy dogs, leading to health issues with the breed. For this reason it is highly recommended to only purchase an Akita from a reputable breeder that completes all health and genetic checks prior to breeding programs. [...]

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