Kerry Blue Terrier
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Kerry Blue Terrier

Is The Kerry Blue Terrier Recommended For the First Time Dog Owner?

Many times when people get a dog, they will choose that particular one because it looks cute or for some other reason. However, for every dog a person gets, there is a reason. Most often when people get a Kerry Blue Terrier it is either for a work dog, or a show dog. However, there are people that get a Kerry Blue Terrier for a companion. No matter what the reasoning is, it will still need to be cared and loved for, and that is what matters. One of the many things that people find out about the Kerry Blue Terrier once they get one is how hard some of them can be. By that, they will learn by investigating them that they may be a troublesome breed of dog. However, a lot of this mostly depends on how they are raised. In fact, most of the people that are new at getting a dog have no problems loving the dog, and that is one thing that the Kerry Blue Terrier needs, to be shown that he/she is part of the family. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and Setting Their Ears

Most often when people start setting the ears of their Kerry Blue Terriers, they are at a young age. Usually, the dogs will have their ears set at about 12 weeks or older; however, it may depend on the owner. There are many ways of setting a Kerry Blue Terrier's ear, including taking it to a professional. If you are not anywhere near a professional or don't have the money for it, here are some simple steps you can follow. When setting the ears, many breeders are now using Jiffy Sew for the glue/paste. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and Sparring

Many times when people get a Kerry Blue Terrier for the first time, they are not aware of all the different things that go on while they are in a competition for show. In fact, many times they do not know what is going to happen until it happens. One of the main events that many people are not in favor of is sparring. In fact, many people think that having two Kerry Blue Terriers sparring with one another is down right mean. However, that is one way for the judges to determine which is the best dog overall. Many times when people are asked to spar their dogs, they are not sure of what it even is. Sparring is when the judges put two or possibly three different dogs into the center of the show ring so that they have to "look at each other". It is the judges as well as the handlers that assure that it is safe. In fact, if the dogs are in the show ring a lot they can differentiate between a competitive challenge and something that is for real. Either way, in most cases, it is best for the handlers to keep themselves at a safe distant just in case. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and Other Animals

Many times when people get a Kerry Blue Terrier, they are not sure of how they are or will be with other animals. However, the way they act is usually seen by the way they are raised. Although many times it is seen in their bloodlines, as well. As many people raise their Kerry Blue Terrier they are always hopeful that he/she will grow up to be a great disciplined dog. However, for some people that is not possible. In fact, many people have problems with their dog getting along with other dogs or animals. In fact, the Kerry Blue Terrier is known to be very head strong as well as high spirited; however, they are also can be down right mean. In some cases, the Kerry Blue Terrier has even killed other animals. In fact, in the earlier years, while the Kerry Blue Terrier was in competitive dog shows they were required to pass certain "game" tests; which were known as the Teastas Mor. Before they were passed for that certification they were expected to catch rabbits or to be able to bring a badger to bay. Back then and even today, their nicknames are the "Blue Devils". [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and its Tolerance to Temperatures

One thing that many people don't bother to think about when having an animal is whether they are okay outside or not. In fact, most often people totally forget about their Kerry Blue Terrier being outside until they go outside themselves. However, when owning a Kerry Blue Terrier you must be very careful because they are very sensitive to the weather, as are many other breeds. When it comes to your Kerry Blue Terrier being outside, he/she usually will not mind being out there. However, once the temperature starts to drop below 32°, they are like people; they like to be indoors. Along with the temperature, there are other things that should be avoided while it is still very cold. In fact, you may want to consider not using salt to melt the ice; instead you can use sand or cat litter. When the dogs walk over the ice, their paw pads tend to get irritated. Another problem that many dogs come into during the winter season is snow and ice being stuck in their paws. A simple solution to that is to keep the hair trimmed short. If taking your dog for a walk, it is very important that you keep him/her on a leash; especially when you are by frozen lakes. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier as a Working Dog

As many people choose to get a Kerry Blue Terrier, they are not sure of all the different uses for them. In fact, most people either get them for being a pet or possibly a show dog. However, many people are unaware that they are now being used as a working dog. When people think of dogs as being working dogs, they are not sure if they want that for the dog. However, many of those people think that the dogs get worked to the point of exhaustion; but that is not true. Most often the dogs are usually used outside or for the good of the people. There are many different ways that the Kerry Blue Terriers are being used and none of them involve being abused. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier - Weird Facts Did You Know?

Many times when people get a dog, they are not aware of anything unusual about the dog. However, it does not take long to figure out some of the weird or interesting things about them. There is not one breed of dog that doesn't have something weird or interesting about them. However, just because they do have something that is weird or interesting does not mean that there is anything wrong with it because there isn't. In fact, many people find that it is all the weird things that make the animal more appealing. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier and Their High Maintenance Coat

Many times when people choose to get a dog, they only think about the companionship and the fun that they will have with the dog. However, very few people think about the dog's coat, which for many people is not good. When it comes to the coat of the Kerry Blue Terrier, many people think that it is the coat of an average dog; however, that is not the case. In fact, once people find out that it is not an average dog coat, they do not get a Kerry Blue Terrier. In the rating from low to high, the Kerry Blue Terriers coat is considered to be high for maintenance. However, a lot depends on how much time and money a person wants to spend on a dog. [...]

Kerry Blue Terriers and Their Behavior Problems

If you are looking for a medium sized dog that is soft, doesn't shed much, smart, loves athletic activities as well as being a great watch dog, then a Kerry blue terrier is for you. However, like most other dogs; they do have behavioral problems as well. For the most part, the Kerry blue terrier is a great all around dog; however, they can also be just the opposite. In fact, many people end up getting rid of them because of just that. As a puppy, one of the most important things that an owner will want to do is socialize the puppy with not only people, but other animals as well. It is very common for a Kerry blue terrier to get in fights with other breeds of dogs or worse. In fact, the Kerry blue terrier also loves to chase after any kind of animal that is smaller than them even a hamster. Another important thing that a puppy should know is that the human is always in charge; no matter what the age of the person. [...]

The Kerry Blue Terrier as a Show Dog

Many times when people think about getting a dog, they only think about them as being a show dog. In fact, many people only get dogs for show. Many times people think that training a Kerry blue terrier is hard; however, a lot depends on how you are with the dog. In fact, many people have their own methods of training their own dog. Many times the difficult problem is getting the dog to actually listen, as they can be very stubborn. Luckily for many people, the Kerry blue terrier is a very clean and easy to house train which is great for being a show dog. In fact, many people think that the blue terrier is a beautiful dog with wavy non shedding hair. However, many people tend to confuse it with a poodle. If your dog is a show dog, then you will want to air dry the hair, and nothing else. Then, you will want to brush or comb as well as cut the hair right away. In fact, many owners will use electric clippers. [...]

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