Pembroke Welsh Corgi
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Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Pembroke Welsh Corgi Training Tips For The Working Dog

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is considered a working dog, and is more so a driving dog instead of a herding dog. Their lineage dates back hundreds of years, as being a dog that not only drives cattle but also geese, ducks and sheep. Today, the Pembroke Welsh Corgi is a companion more than a driving dog. In some countries, they do still use the Corgi for driving cattle, but in the United States, the dog is found as a lovable companion for families. Because of their keen sense, Corgis are used for people who are hearing-impaired. They let the owners know about certain sounds that are important to know about. [...]

Breeding Your Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Breeding your Pembroke Welsh Corgi takes some consideration. You need to breed according the standards set forth by the American Kennel Club to ensure the puppies are going to enhance the breed and not slip away from the original breed characteristics. This is very important when you are considering breeding your male or female dog. If you have a female that meets the standards for temperament, action, size and appearance, you need to find a male that compliments the same characteristics. This is very important to keep the breed in high standards with the American Kennel Club and other organizations. [...]

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi That Is Overweight

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is prone to obesity. They need to have plenty of exercise and proper diet to maintain an ideal weight. If your Corgi becomes overweight, they will be susceptible to health problems. The puppy needs to have a place to be active such as outside in a medium sized yard. Even though they do need exercise, they should not be overworked. They have small legs and the distance they travel is double that of a larger dog in the same distance. They do need to walk, run and play, but when they are done that should be it for a while. [...]

What To Look For When Choosing A Pembroke Welsh Corgi

If you are looking for a puppy and have decided on a Pembroke Welsh Corgi, you need to know what to look for and what the American Kennel Club standards are for the breed. This will include overall health, size, temperament, and socialization with people, dog color and the way they move. A good breeder will only breed dogs that have health guarantees and are quality stock according to the proper AKC guidelines. This is important when you are looking for a Corgi puppy. This is not only important for a pet but also for a show dog. [...]

Showing The Pembroke Welsh Corgi

[h]How Corgis are Classified[/h] If the puppies are from a reputable breeder, you will see very little difference between a family pet and a show dog. They are bred for a specific size, temperament, color and agility. You will however need to look at the ears for shape, as well as the white that extends beyond the withers of the dog to determine if it will be good show quality. Although dogs with improper markings cannot be shown in the conformation ring, they can participate in agility, obedience, herding and tracking trails. [...]

Bonding With The Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Bonding with your Pembroke Welsh Corgi will be easier than with some other breeds. The reason is that the Corgis love to be around people and adapt to being next to you wherever you go. They are followers when it comes to their owners. They will want to be with you in whatever room of the house you are in or wherever you are in the yard. They are faithful, loyal and affectionate to their families. You could not ask for a better dog! They love to please and do make for a good watchdog. They are protective of their owners and property. [...]

The Difference Between The Pembroke Welsh Corgi And Other Herding Dogs

The difference between the Pembroke Welsh Corgi and other herding dogs is that the Pembroke drives the herd rather than herding. The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is considered the smallest dog in the herding group. They are small, but they are fearless and can drive cattle better than any other herding dog. Their small bodies give then the edge for getting out of the way if any of the cattle decide to kick at them. They are also small enough that it makes it easy for them to enter caves and certain rock formations to hunt and flush out birds. [...]

Weird Facts/Did you know?

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is considered the dog of royalty in England. The Pembroke and the Cardigan were recognized as two separate breeds in 1934. In 1931, the first Pembroke Welsh Corgi was introduced into the United States. In 1935, the American Kennel Club recognized the two breeds. The first recording there is for a Pembroke Welsh Corgi being in a dog show was in 1925, in Wales. [h]Some Famous Television And Movie Pembroke Welsh Corgi's[/h] The 1997 "Robinson Crusoe" movie had a Pembroke Welsh Corgi named Skipper. "Murder She Purred: A Mrs. Murphy Mystery" had a Corgi who along with a cat tried to solve a murder mystery. [...]

Things To Do With A Pembroke Welsh Corgi

There are many things you can do with a Pembroke Welsh Corgi including taking walks, jogging, running, playing fetch and swimming. They are happy with anything they do with you as long as they are with you. You can even use them in the field to ride along on a tractor. They are great protectors and can be useful to alert someone if danger is around. They also can summon help if you become injured. There are so many things to do with the Corgi including having them bring in the cattle or other farm animals. [...]

Socializing The Pembroke Welsh Corgi To Children And Other Animals

Socializing the Pembroke Welsh Corgi with children and other animals is important and needs to be done while the dog is young. The Corgi is a lovable dog by nature and can easily get along with children as long as they are not too rough with the dog. Not only will you need to socialize the puppy, but you also have to teach children the proper way to play with a dog and what not to do and also what they can do. Any dog, no matter how well trained can have a problem if they are mistreated. It is important to socialize the puppy and the child correctly. [...]

Difference between a Cardigan Welsh Corgi and a Pembroke Welsh Corgi

When people think of Welsh Corgis, they simply imagine cute little dogs with stumpy legs and stumpy tails; others associate the breed with the Queen of England and other British royalty. While Welsh Corgis are small dogs with stumpy legs, not all have stumpy tails. The general public is often not aware of the fact that there are two distinct breeds of Welsh Corgis, the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi. The breed that is most popular is the Pembroke Welsh Corgi; this is the breed with the stumpy tail and the lucky spot in the heart of the Queen of England. [...]

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