Skin allergies
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Articles > Keywords > Skin allergies

Skin Allergies

Skin Allergies Create Misery for Pets, Owners

If you've ever been kept awake by a dog that can't stop scratching, biting and licking itself, then both of you have suffered from skin allergies. Skin allergies, or dermatitis, are one of the trickiest problems to diagnose in an animal, since they can have many different causes. In its misery, the affected animal also usually worsens the problem by continually scratching and licking at the affected places, undoing any healing that's occurred. [...]

Hive Talkin' - Dogs Get The Itch Too

It's startling for many pet owners to learn that their furry friends also are susceptible to allergies, including hives (urticaria). Contact with plants, insect stings, or certain types of food can cause a dog to break out in hives. While usually not serious and rarely lasting for more than a few days, these welts are extremely itchy, and many dogs will scratch themselves raw during an outbreak. In conjunction with this problem, many dogs also develop swelling of the face, a condition known as angiodema. The good news is that hives aren't very common in animals. Those that are affected, however, tend to have them constantly, and it can become a challenge to identify the cause. Complicating the problem is that an animal may suddenly develop an allergy to something that it has been around its entire life without prior problems. [...]

Skin Conditions in the Miniature Bull Terrier

Miniature bull terriers are wonderful small dogs that are full of energy, playful, love people and older children, but are sometimes a little stubborn and willful. They can be stubborn and are not always good with other animals so early socialization and obedience training is extremely important. Miniature bull terriers have glossy, fine, short coats that does not require a lot of grooming. Some dogs, just like humans, are prone to skin rashes, skin allergies, and other skin diseases that are often painful, unsightly, and very uncomfortable for your pet. [...]

Allergic and Hormonal Skin

Basically what we are talking about here is a very itchy cat. Cats can become itchy from a variety of causes and veterinarians tell us that allergies are the most common problem affecting small animals in general. However, hormonal skin problems are common to dogs but rare in cats. [h]Detection of Hormonal Skin Diseases[/h] Pruritus is the medical term for itchiness and is not hard to spot because your cat will scratch and even damage its skin. The causes of Pruritus are said to be from over grooming, but really there can be a host of reasons for causing this hormonal skin disease. In severe causes you cat may actually lose or pull out its own hair in order to get relief. Miliary Dermatitis is an inflammation of the skin characterized by crusts that appear all over the body, most of the time it occurs from greasy, oily, or fur that contains dandruff. [...]

Chinese Cresteds and Skin Ailments

Physically, the Chinese Crested dog is a breed of a somewhat sensitive disposition. They are especially prone to such as digestive problems and, with the Hairless variety especially, unfortunate skin conditions. The following will address the most common skin problems Chinese Cresteds suffer from and how to combat and prevent these ailments. [...]

Health Concerns with the Border Collie

Most herding breeds, the Border Collie included, are naturally healthy dogs that have been bred to be highly athletic and strong. They also have amazingly strong respiratory and circulatory systems, probably due to the intensive screening done by early farmers and shepherds in only continuing to breed the healthiest and best working dogs. [...]

Health Concerns In German Shepherds

The dramatic rise in popularity of the German Shepherd Dog almost from its first introduction to the United States is perhaps the single biggest reason that this breed historically was known for fairly significant health problems. Thankfully a great many highly reputable breeders have been working diligently over the last thirty years or more to eliminate many of the problems found in the breed, and there are very well developed, healthy lines of German Shepherd Dogs found all over the country. The massive random breeding programs used in the early 1900's did cause some problems, however this is certainly not true today. [...]

Health Concerns With Boxers

As with any breed of dog that has a huge surge in popularity there is always the risk that poor breeding practices will occur as everyone tries to get in on breeding the most in demand type of dog. Unfortunately this is what did happen with the Boxer breed, particularly in the United States, in the years immediately after World War ll. During this time the small number of puppies and dogs brought over from Germany were used in almost all American breeding programs, leading to some inherited genetic conditions becoming pronounced. Through selective breeding by responsible breeders most of these issues are now well managed, however backyard breeders and puppy mills are still cashing in on the breed popularity and breeding genetically inferior puppies. [...]

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