Toy Breed
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Toy Breed

Are Affenpinschers the First Toy Breed ?

It is difficult to say definitely which of the toy breeds where the absolute first to appear, but there is convincing evidence that Affenpinschers were among the first. Unfortunately, the real story of the Affenpinscher's beginning has been lost, but we can say that a dog very similar to today's Affepinscher in appearance was known to have existed as early as the 17th century. Prized for its natural hunting ability, this ancestor of the Affenpinscher was slightly larger that today's toy dog and varied in coat colors, including grey, fawn and red in addition to the more common black that we associate with the Affenpinscher today. [...]

Toy or Terrier?

All the major kennel clubs of the world classify purebred dogs into a number of different categories, or groups; both the names of these groups and the criteria for inclusion may vary from kennel club to kennel club. Indeed, there are a number of cases where one country includes a particular breed in a certain group, while another country includes that breed in a completely different group. What's more, the types and even descriptions of the various groups can differ between kennel clubs, even kennel clubs found within the same country! Given all this divergence, it's no wonder that there sometimes exists confusion as to how exactly classify a particular breed of dog. The Silky Terrier is an example of this confusion. Its name clearly states that there is something "terrier" about it, though many kennel clubs, including the AKC and Britain's Kennel Club classify it in the Toy group. Not everyone is in complete agreement with this classification, though; in America, the Continental Kennel Club classifies the breed in the Terrier group. So which is it? And what's the difference between a toy and a terrier? [...]

Switching Over To New Dog Foods

While it is always a good idea to keep your dog on a well-balanced dog food that is consistent over the life of the dog, there are some reasons why you may want or need to change foods. One of the biggest reasons includes switching your puppy from a puppy formula to an adult formula, or changing to a particular brand that you know is more nutritionally balanced for your dog. [...]

Flying With Your Dog

As humans we are often very nervous about flying, even if we read all the statistics and understand that the chance of having any sort of problem when flying is very, very small. Dogs, luckily, don't have this additional anxiety however traveling by air can be stressful on dogs for other reasons. Small and toy dogs may be able to travel in the cabin with their owners, but medium and large breed dogs will have to be crated and transported in the cargo area, meaning they will be alone and away from their owners during the flight. There are several different things that people can do to help prepare their dog for travel by plane. Regardless of the size of the dog the first step is getting your pooch used to being in a crate or carrier and having them find the crate a relaxing and safe place to be. [...]

Breeds With Whelping Problems

As humans have gradually bred dogs specifically for different physical traits, there has been a marked change in the physiology of different breeds. In some breeds this has translated into larger, heavier, stockier or healthier dogs, while in others it may have lead to growth problems, muscular-skeletal problems or even significant dental and respiratory issues. [...]

Breeds Good For City Life

It comes as no surprise to most people to find out that the greatest percentage of the United States, Canada, Europe, Asian and the United Kingdom all live within urban areas. The United States alone has over 51 cities that are home to more than 1 million people each with two cities, Los Angeles and New York with well over 10 million inhabitants. It is also not uncommon to have population densities of over 10,000 people per square mile in many urban areas. This concentration of people means that many people are living in apartments, condos and multi-family type dwellings. [...]

Socialization and Toy Dogs

Socialization, as it pertains to dog training, is a very important part of the development of a well-rounded, calm and obedient dog. Socialization includes introducing your dog to new people, events, places and other animals in a safe and non-threatening way so that the dog becomes comfortable in any situation. This is important because a dog that is relaxed and comfortable is not going to become possessive or defensive, which are the two triggers for dog aggression. [...]

Micros, Minis and Teacups

Throughout the centuries humans have developed breeds of dogs that are far different than what the early ancestors of the canines looked like. Distinctive breed types and characteristics such as coats, colors, ear shapes, leg lengths and body size have all been developed through very selective breeding practices. Most of these selective genetic modifications have been the result of an original gene mutation or abnormality that was then bred for in future generations. Typically these modifications and changes have lead to the development of specific breeds, which have then been identified by these unique characteristics. After all it is the both appearance as well as the behavioral traits of a dog that makes it part of a breed. [...]

Traveling With Toy Dogs

Toy dogs can be some of the easiest or some of the most difficult pets to travel with. As common sense would indicate, the smaller the size of the dog the easier they are to take in cars, trains, airplanes and even on boats and cruises. Small toy dogs are often allowed in places where only assistance dogs can go, especially if they are in a carrier or carrying bag that is secured. This ability to travel means that owners don't have to crate their dogs and put them in luggage compartments, rather the dog's can travel right with the owners on the plane, train, bus or other form of transportation. [...]

Giant Dogs and Smaller Dogs - A Good Match

Some of the most famous teams in history have been matches between two very different types of individuals. Perhaps it is not surprising to find out that two very differently sized dogs often make some of the best companions, playing to each other's unique styles and character traits. It is, however, important for owners to take some time to consider how the general characteristics of the two or more breeds will interact with each other. It is also a great option to consider getting the two puppies at approximately the same time as this will allow for early bonding and socialization together. It does make it more challenging for issues such as obedience and housetraining, so this also needs to be taken into consideration, especially if only one person is taking on all the responsibility. [...]

High End Fashions For Our Four Legged Friends

If the truth be told, there are really very few people that don't find it amusing, attractive and just plain old cute to see different types of dogs in very stylish designer clothing. However, there are also some breeds of dogs that just aren't good matches for clothes, usually because they are big, rugged, outdoorsy types of dogs in the first place. Adding a few clothing accessories to these types of dogs for special occasions and events is still fun, and with the wide selection available in styles and types it won't be difficult to find the perfect item. [...]

Doggy Jewelry For Glitter and Glitz

Doggy jewelry or jewelry specifically for dogs is actually not a new concept. There are many historical paintings of dogs in royal courts and with royal families wearing gems around their necks on gold or silver chains, definitely ornamental and not typical collars. These paintings, often seen in English and French courts, often featured the dog prominently in the picture. Typically in most cases the dogs that were wearing the royal jewels were small dogs, what would now be called lapdogs. [...]

Dog Carriers For Every Fashion and Need

Dog carriers have really changed over the last twenty years and have gone from very practical ways to securely transport your dog to glamorous fashion accessories. There are still the very traditional types of dog carriers, more common with the medium to large breeds, but for toy and small dogs there is a huge range of designer types of dog carriers. Most of the designer types of dog carriers on the market today are safe for transporting dogs of up to 25 pounds, but some of the lighter weight purse styles may not safely hold that much. Choosing a carrier that is safe for your pet and easy for you to carry is just as important as the fashion statement that you make. [...]

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