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English Setters

Aliases: Laverack Setter, Llewellyn Setter

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English Setter Articles

The Difference Between English, Irish and Gordon Setters

Of the eighty recognized dog breeds in the world, the Setter has always been one of the most well liked. However, of all the Setters, it is the English Setter that has proven to be the most popular. Refined but never above being the class clown, a number of hunters and families have come to love the breed's many charms. Unsurprisingly, owners of an English Setter always have an amusing or heartwarming tale of stellar loyalty, strength and sensitivity. While this often inspires others to take an interest in the breed, many still wonder what the differences are between the English Setter and it cousins, the Gordon Setter and the Irish Setter. [...]

English Setters and Separation Anxiety

The English Setter is highly intelligent and loves to spend time with its owner; so much so, that the breed is not recommended for those who spend a great deal of time away from home. They thrive on companionship and naturally assume that they will be included in all activities. As some have come to find, English Setters are a breed that can suffer from extreme separation anxiety; therefore, it is of utmost importance that new owners work with their dogs to help temper this characteristic. It should be understood that even though Setters can have separation anxiety, the trait is not a given with every dog and can be exhibited in varying degrees. [...]

Exercising the Intelligent Mind of the English Setter

An intelligent breed like the English Setter will never tolerate isolation, inactivity or give up their need to explore. The owner who takes on the breed with the assumption that mental stimulation for dogs is an exaggeration is the owner who will sorely regret his or her underestimation. As with all highly intelligent breeds, the English Setter typically does not wait to be entertained. They are very much the kind that will take it upon themselves to explore, whether outdoors or indoors. The clever English Setter has been known to not only clear fences but open cupboards and refrigerator doors, dragging out whatever contents it finds. While this may be inconvenient, it is simply an indication that the dog needs more stimulating mental activity. [...]

The Difference Between Field Setters and Bench Setters

When it comes time to choose a dog, individuals should always devote a good amount of time researching the breeds they are considering. This keeps individuals from not only choosing the wrong type of dog, but also ensures the dog itself is not moved from home to home. Those who decide to opt for a Setter breed will find themselves needing to choose between the Gordon, Irish or English Setter. When the decision is made to go with the English Setter, potential owners must then decide between a field Setter or a bench Setter. For those who do not do their research, this can be a perplexing question. [...]

The Difference Between Field Setters and Bench Setters

When it comes time to choose a dog, individuals should always devote a good amount of time researching the breeds they are considering. This keeps individuals from not only choosing the wrong type of dog, but also ensures the dog itself is not moved from home to home. Those who decide to opt for a Setter breed will find themselves needing to choose between the Gordon, Irish or English Setter. When the decision is made to go with the English Setter, potential owners must then decide between a field Setter or a bench Setter. For those who do not do their research, this can be a perplexing question. [...]

Surviving the Puppyhood of the English Setter

English Setters are a happy, active breed throughout most of their lives; however, it is their puppyhood that many owners find most challenging. While they go through all the normal stages of development, it is a time when firm boundaries must be established without fail. This not only helps them feel safe but prevents an overdevelopment of separation anxiety from taking root, something the breed has a known tendency for. Failing to take the upper hand is likely to result in needless trials and tribulations. The happy English Setter is one who knows the rules of the game and is confident in their owner. [...]

English Setters and Hunting

With nearly seven hundred years of development under its belt, the English Setter remains one of the most popular gundogs in the history of hunting. Not only are their physical traits perfect in the field, their temperament is also ideal. This wonderful blend also comes with natural instincts for pointing, retrieving and forming a solid working relationship with their owner. It is not uncommon to find hunters who stick with this breed and nothing else for many years. On top of their superb instincts, the English Setter is a breed that makes a memorable companion. They know when it's time to work and they know when it's time to have fun. [...]

What Not to Expect from an English Setter

The English Setter has earned its reputation not only as an extraordinary hunting breed but a wonderful companion animal as well. They are extremely intelligent and known for forming strong bonds with their owners very early on. If there is one thing that all English Setter owners agree on as a basic truth, it is that this breed very much depends on human interaction to stay healthy. Not only do they expect to be part of the family, they are quite actually the best type of dog for those needing a twenty four hour guardian or an enthusiastic traveling buddy. [...]

Creating a Happy Life for the English Setter

The English Setter is a breed of dog that is simply happy to be wherever its owner is. While they can cope with apartment living as long as they are exercised daily, the Setter is much better off in environments that allow them plenty of opportunity to roam freely. The English Setter is anything but enthusiastic when it comes to crating or extensive kenneling; this makes a secure, fenced in area that affords plenty of room the best way to keep them healthy, both mentally and physically. Unsurprisingly, their strong hunting instinct will always have them yielding to the urge to follow their nose and investigate. The English Setter is always happy to go for long meandering walks and is even found proficiently competing in agility competitions. [...]

Toys the English Setter Will Love

Though a plastic squeaky hotdog may seem like an irrelevant piece of silliness, for the domesticated dog, it actually helps placate natural canine tendencies. The English Setter is a highly intelligent breed of dog that needs mental stimulation as much as physical activity. Dog toys can support and promote a Setter's need to chew, chase or use their nose in a manner that keeps them out of harm's way. Providing stimulating toys can also keep owners from having to replace precious household items that get chewed up out of boredom. Because the English Setter can sometimes suffer bouts of stress and anxiety, it is important to choose good quality toys. Opting for toys that are not made of non toxic materials or consist of small pieces both present hazards to any type of dog. [...]

English Setter Weird Facts/Did You Know?

In its very beginnings, the English Setter was not actually used for hunting at all. In the seventeenth century it was falconry, or the art of hunting with birds, that was all the rage. Royals such as Louis the XVIII, aristocrats and other members of the upperclass would set up in open fields with their falcons and English Setters. Upon signaling the Setters to flush the field of gamebirds, a falcon would then swoop down and take its quarry right out of the air. Royals were known to keep great falconries and kennels during that time. Eventually, the Setter's ability for flushing game was noted as an ideal way to drive game into nets. After the use of firearms became widespread for hunting, the English Setter became known as one of the best gundogs in existence. [...]

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