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Fox Terriers (Wire)

Aliases: Fox Terrier Wire Coat, Wire, Wire Haired Fox Terrier, Foxie

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Fox Terrier (Wire) Articles

The Wire Fox Terrier as a Show Dog

The Wire Fox Terrier has many purposes or jobs in its life and one of the jobs they probably consider the most fun is their role as a show dog. Not only do they get to prance back and forth showing their stuff, but they get to participate in fun activities with their owner. When the Wire Fox Terrier is first being trained in preparation for the show ring, they have a tendency to show their stubbornness. In true fashion with the Wire Fox Terrier, once they get down to business, they do an excellent job in the ring. Conformation is one area the Wire Fox Terrier performs in at the shows. This involves the dog having to conform to certain standards of the breed. For instance, their size can't be any larger or longer than what the AKC feels is the correct size for the dog. Their coat has to be the correct length and texture as the breed standard, etc. [...]

Differences between the Wire Fox Terrier and the Smooth Fox Terrier

When you hear the name Fox Terrier (sometimes called Foxy), you may think either of the Wire Fox Terrier or the Smooth Fox Terrier. The two dogs are very similar with the only difference being their coats, although they were each bred independently of each other. The Smooth Fox Terrier has a coat that is flat and smooth but yet hard and dense. The Wire Fox Terrier, on the other hand, has a coat that has a broken appearance and has a dense wiry texture. The color of the coats is similar with both dogs. They each have a base coat that can be either black and tan or tan with some occasional white spotting. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier and Wire Stripping the Coat

The Wire Fox Terrier has a rough coat that has a dense wiry texture. It has the appearance of being broken. They actually have two layers of coat. The top coat is the dense coat with the wiry texture whereas the undercoat is softer and shorter hair. Grooming the Wire Fox Terrier is almost a continuous process. They need to have their coat brushed and combed regularly, but will still need hand stripping several times a year to keep the coat looking and feeling healthy and strong. Although many Wire Fox Terrier owners do this themselves (after lots of practice), you may choose to have a professional groomer do this for you as it can be quite time consuming. If it is not done correctly, the coat could end up looking worse than before you started. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier and Their Stubbornness

The Wire Fox Terrier is a breed of dog in the terrier family that has accomplished many things from being a hunting dog and show dog to being a wonderful pet. They have a wonderful temperament and personality with the exception of being very stubborn and headstrong. They are very much "into themselves", often thinking they are going to call the shots in the family. They are very intelligent and know what they can and cannot get away with. In spite of their intelligence, they are often difficult to train because of their stubbornness. They only want to do something if they think it is in their best interest to do it, or if there is something in it for them. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier and its Work Ethic

The Wire Fox Terrier is a very intelligent dog that has been taught to do many things, with the first one being obedience. This is not to say that they eagerly look forward to obedience training. Quite the opposite, in fact. They are very smart dogs, but they don't understand why they need to do something just because you say so. There are capable and have the intelligence to learn anything, so long as it's something they feel they want to learn and do. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier as a Hunting Dog

The Wire Fox Terrier is a dog of many talents, but their original and first job was as a hunting dog. They were originally bred for fox-hunting. There were fox-hunting hounds that were bred to chase foxes until they got to a hole in the ground. The hound would stop and the chase was over. When the Wire Fox Terrier was developed, their ability to hunt extended beyond just chasing the fox. With their agility, prey, and hunting drive, they would chase the fox until it ran in the hole and then climb in the hole after the fox. Their short docked tails came in handy with the hunters, who were able to pull the terrier out of the hole if the fox wouldn't come out on its own. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier :Weird Facts Did You Know?

Although the Wire Fox Terrier and Smooth Fox Terrier are considered as "cousins", dog experts claim they are not related at all. They do resemble each other, however, and have many similarities. The short docked tail had a good purpose for the hunters years ago. If the dog didn't want to come out of a hole after they preyed on vermin, the hunter would pull the dog out by their tail. They dog came to expect this and didn't object as many dogs do to having their tails pulled. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier: Exercise and Nutritional Needs

The Wire Fox Terrier is a very athletic and energetic dog that requires a lot of exercise. They are friendly and lively dogs that love being outside walking, playing ball or just romping around. They have a great deal of energy inside and need the time to wear it off. They should be in a yard big enough to allow them to run around. They have a tendency to dig needlessly or bark unnecessarily if left alone too long, so don't stick them in the pen and leave them there feeling they have the opportunity to get all the exercise they may need. [...]

The Wire Fox Terrier: Is This The Dog for You?

The Wire Fox Terrier, although bred to chase foxes, is a very loyal, intelligent and loving pet. Many homes have this wonderful dog as a member of their household. If you are contemplating getting a Wire Fox Terrier for a family pet, you should be aware of their high energy level and tendency to get into things, whether they are puppies or adult dogs. As a puppy, they are cute little bundles of joy that are friendly and very active. They love chasing balls and playing Frisbee and digging. As they grow up, they don't really change much except that they are now bigger. [...]

Wire Fox Terriers and Wire Specialty Shows

The Wire Fox Terrier is a dog of many talents. In addition to being a family pet, hunting dog and working dog, the Wire Fox Terrier also does very well as a performance dog in many shows. The Westminster is a dog show that the Wire Fox Terrier has done well in, winning more time than almost any other breed of dog. The Wire Fox Terrier Specialty Shows, in particular, are a big event for the terrier and are held each year in many cities. [...]

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