tooth loss
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Articles > Keywords > tooth loss

Tooth Loss

Tooth Loss Is More Than Just A Cosmetic Problem

Tooth loss is much more serious in dogs that many owners understand. Loss of the ability to correctly masticate or chew food can result in digestive problems and even further tooth loss as food sticks or collects in the pockets left by the missing teeth, increasing tarter build-up and leading to increased problems with gingivitis and gum disease. As dog's mature and reach their senior years they are more prone to tooth loss. In some breeds such as the Chinese Crested, Chihuahua, Pomeranian, Shih Tzu and the Italian Greyhound tooth loss is a definite concern for owners. Tooth loss in small and miniature breeds, especially in those designated as teacup or toy is often one of the biggest factors that owners will have to deal with as the dog matures. [...]

Dental problems: Plaque Buildup, Tartar Problems

The number one problem in cats over the age of five are dental related. Many of these problems can be avoided with proper dental care. Like humans, cats have baby teeth first and then adult teeth afterward. They usually get their first set of teeth around two to four weeks of age. The mother cat will start to wean her kittens once they start biting which is roughly around four weeks of age. The adult set of teeth usually comes in around four to six months. A cat has thirty teeth in a full set of adult teeth, which include: pre-molars and molars, canines and incisors. [...]

Doggy Tooth Care

Caring for a dog's teeth is a routine that many breeders have used for years, but that is just now becoming common with dog owners. Just like people, different dogs and different breeds of dog will have stronger and healthier teeth than others. In addition some foods, especially soft foods such as canned and semi-moist foods may not provide the scraping action needed to remove tartar and plaque from the teeth, resulting in poor dental conditions that can result in early tooth loss, problems with infections in the mouth, gum disease and even digestive disorders. [...]

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