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Coco was a beautiful golden lab retriever. I had always wanted a lab and we had found her in the weekly flee. The moment I saw her I fell in love with her. She was a bit naughty at first, she had seperation anxiety and when we would leave the house she would get into trouble, hiding loaves of bread everywhere, jumping out of windows, stealing a plate of cupcakes but after awhile she was the best dog anyone could ever hope for. We have 5 boys and when each of them were babies she would let them crawl all over her and not once would she growl. She was so gentle and loving. She was a protector of our house. Whenever I was sad she was there as if she knew how I was feeling. She was a huge part of a family and we will never forget the joy she brought to our home. We had so many memories and I thank God for that. It has been 2 months now and I still can't seem to get over her perhaps I never will. She is gone but never forgotten. I love you Coco baby girl!!!!!
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