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Missing my babies...

Ty-thank you for 17+ years with dad I think about you every day, you stay with Boo and Sheeba till dad gets there. Sheeba-thank you for 15 years little girl, dad tried to fix you but your little body gave out; stay with Ty and Boo till dad get's there. And my Boo-I still cry every time I think of you, it's been 9 years since I had to say goodbye and it's still so raw. That day was the only day you didn't want to go for a bye-bye ride because you and I both knew it was your last-but I couldn't fix you the cancer was too much and I couldn't let you hurt so dad had to let you go ready or not....and I held all 3 of you when you left me-I love you all so much you don't even know. Stay together babies and dad loves you more than you know.
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