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Bear, Damiens buddy boy.

Well, I dont know where to start. He was first my dads dog, but he kept getting loose so he gave him to my future son-n-law, Damien. Damien was so excited when pop gave him his very own Alaskan Malamute. He loved bear so much and was so proud of him. Bear was so beautiful and he had the most serious looking face.. He was black & white and just so handsome. He looked like he would be the meanest dog, but the only time he got ugly was if you tried to take his food.
I feel so bad for Damien. He was the only person Bear would play with. All he wanted was for Damien to spend time with him, the rest of us just blended into the scenery. He loved for Damien to throw something for him to fetch, but he didnt want to bring it back he wanted to eat it. LOL. Damien was planning on taking Bear on the road with him this year to different job locations. Thought it would be wonderful to have Bear to keep him company. It just isnt fair!
Bear, you will be missed so much. Iy just wont be the same to come home and not be greeted by your furious bark. You always let us know when someone came into our yard or got to close to home. Im going to miss you pretty boy. We lost him back on 2-27-2011 but I couldnt upload a pic at that time.
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