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You're still everywhere...RIP Tucker

It's so lonely around the house anymore, even when we're all at home. I was eating a bowl of popcorn on the recliner the other day and I grabbed a handful to toss to you and before it hit the ground I was fighting back tears because you weren't there to be the canine vacuum cleaner anymore. I dont have anyone to eat the other half of my cheese slice when I make a sandwhich for work, or share my cheerio's with when I get up in the morning. The second you heard that crinkle of the bag, you were in the kitchen giving me the puppy face. We could never say no to you.
You were the most insanely spoiled, insanely loved and all around the sweetest, most gentle, playful dog in the whole world. I'm pretty sure Mom and Dad liked you more than they did Corey and me at times, but thats ok, how could someone not fall madly in love with those big brown eyes? A little lap dog in a 87lb black lab body, that's what you were. I'll always remember you climbing your big butt up onto the recliner in the morning to keep Mom's legs warm...and eventually cut the circulation off. Or when Dad would let you in my room in the mornings before my college classes and you would jump on me and lick my face. A big, hairy, slobbery wake up call...and I miss it so much. The four of us our talking about getting two black lab puppies in a few months. They will never replace you Boog but we hope they'll take away some of the hurt in our hearts for having to let you go way before your time. And I hope...they have some of your spirit. If they chew up a basket or get their head stuck in the drywall, we'll know thats part of you.
You always knew when someone was sad. And if you were here now you'd be licking my face and giving me that look like "its gonna be ok sissy".
I know it's gonna Tuck. Because you're always gonna be everywhere...

Sir Tucker Knight
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