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GABBY (Norfolk Terrier) 16 Dec 1997- 18 Oct 2011
GABBY came to her new mother at 3 months old and immediately won everyone's heart with her love, energy and loyalty. She latched onto her older cousin Cricket (Yorkie) and together they welcomed their new dad into the family. They then moved to Colorado and met many more friends and the family grew with Saint Bernards and a barn cat named Nuggett. Oppenheimer (OPPY) came as a puppy and grew to be a large Saint and her best friend along with another Norfolk named Zipper. The four along with their two legged parents returned to the Carolinas and after Oppy's passing (Oppy-Gentle Giant pg 107), came two Norfolk's, Popper and Peppermint Pattie. Together, they traveled everwhere with their parents and became a very close family. Gabby was the Alpha leader of the family and we all followed her lead. Gabby and Oppy now run and play around the Rainbow Bridge waiting the arrival of their family both two and four legged members in order to be together again. Gabby and Oppy we miss you'll so very much but take heart in the fact, that some day we will cross over the Rainbow Bridge together as a family once again. LOVE MON, DAD ZIPPER, POPPER, PATTIE AND NUGGETT.
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