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Dachshund For Sale

Dachshund Articles

Special Grooming Concerns for Long-haired Dachshunds

Though dachshunds come in three coat styles, the long-haired variety is by far, the most difficult of those to maintain. This doesn't mean that it is especially difficult - the other two are just so trouble-free. However, keeping the "flag" and dust skirt of a long-hair dachshund tangle-free or at least without sticks and leaves requires a bit of concern and grooming on your part. [...]

Why the Dachshund Club of America Doesn't Want You to Go to the Races

All breeds of dog were created from existing stock to do something in particular. Just because we tend to keep them all as pets in post-modern times doesn't mean dogs have lived and worked with human beings for centuries. The dachshund was designed for one thing: going to ground. Whether that means hunting badgers, rabbits or whatever, it's what they do. [...]

Housebreaking the Dachshund and Other Seemingly Impossible Tasks

Whether you've just brought home a puppy or an older dog from elsewhere, your first task will be to teach her or him where to go to the bathroom other than your rugs. This is easier said than done in most cases, as the breed is very stubborn and willful. Generally, the trick is to get the dog to think that this fantastic idea is theirs. [...]

Convincing Your Dachshund Not to Dig or Bark

If it sounds like a tall order, that's because it is. Dachshunds were bred to go to earth, dig into a den and bark. That's their job. Convincing them that there are other jobs that their time would be far better spent at is the problem. [...]

Travelling With Your Dachshund

Dachshunds are among the easiest dogs to travel with, as they are very portable. They're small enough to be allowed in most hotels, yet rugged enough to go camping. Even the largest standard dachshunds are able to fit in just about any car for a road trip, and they enjoy the heck out of it. [...]

Maintaining a Healthy Weight Despite Your Dachshund's Fondest Wishes

There is nothing, I repeat: nothing, your dachshund likes more than eating. Though sleeping and chasing after balls might come close, they'll drop the others for food anytime. While there is the occasional dachshund that isn't quite to ravenous (especially among some of the more exotic coat types), as a breed, they are insatiable. That said, it will be an uphill battle throughout your dachshund's life to keep their weight under control. [...]

Development of the Dachshund in Germany and Continental Europe

Like many art forms, the dachshund represents over 500 years of fine German engineering, though other countries in north and central continental Europe contributed to the breed as we know it today. Ultimately, the dachshund is a representation of how a job can affect the morphology of the creatures people keep. [...]

Hunting with Your Dachshund

Hunting is, after all, what your dachshund was bred to do. Though most lie lives of luxury that involve a lot of sitting on couches, even the most pampered of dachshunds is ready to go to earth at the slightest provocation. In fact, they may be some of the smallest hunters out there, but their natural instincts to chase down other creatures remains as strong as you might imagine five-hundred years of selective breeding. [...]

Curbing Fear-biting in Your Dachshund

Perhaps more than most breeds, an improperly socialized dachshund is more likely than not to develop a habit of fear biting that can make interacting with new people or dogs something to fear rather than look forward to. Often, owners don't even realize why their dog is so seemingly aggressive just before running away or rolling over in submission. It may very well be that your dog is in a constant state of high anxiety. [...]

Dachshund Weird Facts/Did You Know?

Did you know that the dachshund is named for the prey it was originally bred to hunt? The word dachs is German for Badger, their most common quarry during the centuries in which they were developed. The word hund simply means, "dog." The smaller teckel dogs, usually called "miniature" in English-speaking countries, are also named after their quarry: rabbits. [...]

Dachshund Weird Facts/Did You Know?

Did you know that the dachshund is named for the prey it was originally bred to hunt? The word dachs is German for Badger, their most common quarry during the centuries in which they were developed. The word hund simply means, "dog." The smaller teckel dogs, usually called "miniature" in English-speaking countries, are also named after their quarry: rabbits. [...]

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