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Spinone Italianos

Aliases: Italian Spinone, Italian Griffon, Italian Coarsehaired Pointer, Italian Wire-haired Pointer

Spinone Italiano For Sale

Spinone Italiano Articles

Choosing Spinone Italiano Puppies and Spinone Italiano Breeders

The Spinone is a very docile pet. Centuries of specific breeding has created a dog breed that can be considered patient and kind. It is overtly friendly towards people, even with strangers. If you have very young and very adventurous children at home, the Spinone Italiano may be the perfect pet for you. There is but one advice when you are choosing Spinone Italiano puppies for adoption. Never buy one from a pet shop. It's that simple. Spinone Italiano dogs (plural Spinoni Italiani) are prolific breeders, and many pet shops don't take that into consideration. The sad news is that this trait leads to irresponsible breeding, which in turn produces offspring that are not befitting the dog's basic conformation, usually exhibiting behavioral problems, and have genetic medical conditions. It is best to seek the services of Spinone Italiano breeders if you want to acquire one as a pet. [...]

Male and Female Spinone Italiano

Choosing between getting a male or female Spinone Italiano pet should not pose a problem. Aside from a very small margin of difference when it comes to physical stature, their temperament is very much alike. In physique, a male Spinone Italiano usually stands between 60 to 70 centimeters (23.5 - 27.5 inches) at the withers and weighs between 34 to 39 kilograms (75 - 86 pounds.) A female Spinone Italiano usually stands between 59 to 65 centimeters (22.5 - 25.5 inches) at the withers and weighs between 29 to 34 kilograms (64 - 75 pounds.) The gender of your Spinone Italiano does not affect the length or coloration of its coat. [...]

Traveling and Spinone Italiano

More and more pets seem to be mobile these days; mobile meaning that they travel as frequently as their human companions. So if you have a pet Spinone Italiano, you need not worry about a lot of pet traveling problems. You may encounter a certain glitch or two during the journey, but nothing so massive that you will try to put off your next few rides with your pet. Traveling with a pet always takes a bit of preparation. Think of it as traveling with a very young child. You need to take some necessary precautions, make special arrangements and pack a goody bag when you travel with a young child. The same goes for your Spinone Italiano pet. [...]

Rescue and Spinone Italiano

In an ideal world, no animal shall go without a good home or the basic essentials in life. The reality is that there are many cases of pet abandonment, and they happen because of one primary reason: irresponsibility. The Spinone Club of America or SCOA has made it part of their mission to promulgate awareness about the breed by offering rescue and home placement to any Spinone Italiano dog in trouble. [...]

Sport and Spinone Italiano

The Spinone Italiano is one of the oldest breed of hunting dogs. The correct term that actually applies to this breed is "gun dogs" or "bird dogs." There are many theories as to how the Spinone Italiano came into existence, and many of them are contradictory to one another. However, the one unifying theme among them is that the Spinone Italiano is a sporting animal, bred for hunting and retrieval. During the earliest times of game hunting, the Spinone Italiano was used exclusively for the sport. The dogs were easy to train, quick on its feet and follow its master's instructions without hesitation. Unfortunately, during the Second World War, the Spinone Italiano came close to extinction. [...]

Spinone NAVHDA

NAVHDA stands for the North American Versatile Hunting Dog Association. It is a non-profit corporation that aims to foster, promote and improve the versatility of hunting dog breeds in North America. According to this association, versatility is defined as: "The dog that is bred and trained to dependably hunt and point game, to retrieve on both land and water, and to track wounded game on both land and water." Another one of NAVHDA's mission aims to conserve (hunting) game by using well-trained and reliable hunting dogs before and after the (killing) shot. Finally, NAVHDA helps in the prevention of cruelty to animals (particularly hunting dogs) through non-selective and uncontrolled breeding, which produces litters that are both unwanted and uncared for. [...]

Spinone as Therapy Dogs

Unlike many breeds of hunting dogs, the Spinone Italiano has taken a different path when it comes to temperament. It is extremely tame. So tame, in fact, that it does not work well as an aggressive guard dog. It's just too people-friendly to growl at approaching strangers or to challenge their presence. A millennium of specified breeding has brought about a Spinone Italiano that is easy going and affectionate towards people and other animals, no questions asked. [...]

Spinone Club of America Life

The Spinone Club of America or SCOA is a relatively new organization. It is a non-profit club that helps promulgates breed conformation awareness for the Spinone Italiano breed. It also acts as an official registry for Spinone sires, dams and their offspring. The SCOA was established just recently, 1987 to be more specific. As of late, it is considered as the largest registry for the Spinone dog breed in the United States. It is also duly recognized by the American Kennel Club or AKC. This accreditation for SCOA was given on February 2000. [...]

Spinone Italiano: Weird Facts/Did You Know?

The Spinone Italiano is just about the gentlest hunting dog there is. It takes an altogether different temperament from other hunting dogs that are too lively, too energetic and too much to handle. Probably the most domesticated of all hunting dog breeds, the Spinone Italiano is still one of the most popular bird dogs in the world. Here are other trivia regarding the Spinone Italiano. The incredible coat of the Spinone Italiano not only waterproofs the dog's body while swimming, it also repels freezing temperature for a short period of time - even temperatures lower than 0°C. [...]

Spinone Italiano and Hunting

Probably the most ancient traceable dog breed line is the Spinone Italiano breed. It is said that the line developed from the Piedmont region of Italy and goes back as far as 500 B.C. As of today, because of active efforts to preserve the dog breed blood line, the Spinone Italiano is believed to be one of the oldest gun dogs in living existence. There are many theories as to how the Spinone Italiano came to existence. These theories may often sound contradictory to one another, but it shows the dynamic gene pool that constitutes this ancient breed of hunting dog. [...]

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