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For Sale

Finnish Spitz - The Sensitive Dog

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0.5 of 5 Paws Rating
Tags: Finnish Spitz, Obedience, Behavior

Super Temperments



Gap, PA

Greater Swiss Mountain Dog

The Finnish Spitz is medium-sized breed, with a sweet expression and a sturdy build. They are known to be excellent dogs to keep as household pets along with being good guard dogs.

Being a highly sensitive breed of dogs, they have a strong awareness of their surroundings and happenings around them. These dogs are alert to the minutest level of commotion around them and will respond in the briefest time possible.

Being extremely sensitive by nature, these dogs need adept handling from their owners, especially in the training process. It is always advised that the Finnish Spitz be trained without harsh methods. Instead, the system of praise and rewards has been found highly effective to train these sensitive creatures.

Experts warn that if the Finnish Spitz is treated harshly or is even spoken to rudely, it is likely that they will never forget this treatment and will fail to become a loving and faithful companion in future. In spite of being sensitive, these dogs are generally not distressed by normal and loud noises in the household.

However, leaving aside the routine commotion in the house, the Finnish Spitz will generally react strongly to any outburst of temper or anger in their surroundings, especially if it is directed at them. Owing to the fact that the basic nature of the Finnish Spitz is very sensitive, it should be ensured that their environment is not at all wrought with tension. This can make owning a Finnish Spitz a difficult proposition for some.

The extreme levels of sensitivity possessed by the Finnish Spitz often work to their advantage as well. Owing to such nature traits, the Finnish Spitz makes excellent household pets. They bond very well with family members and love human companionship. They generally love to spend time in the company of the people at home and will express dislike of being left alone for longer durations.

This trait of the Finnish Spitz makes them an exceptionally good companion for children and older people in the household. They love playing with kids and are also quite content spending quiet time with young children. They generally award preference to the company of kids to all the other members of the family.

Since they are highly sensitive to their surroundings, the Finnish Spitz make very good and dependable companions for the elderly, especially those who need security and support for their routine activities.

The sensitive nature of the Finnish Spitz is often reflected in their guarding habits as well. Being very alert and aware of their surroundings, they tend to bark loudly at the slightest provocation. They are generally known as excellent alarm dogs and will raise a high alert with their incessant and loud barking.

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Finnish Spitz - The Sensitive Dog
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