Finnish Spitz
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Finnish Spitz

Training the Finnish Spitz to hunt

Finnish Spitz are an active and lively breed of dogs and can be trained to be the perfect pets as well hunting dogs. [...]

Saviors of the Finnish Spitz breed

The Finnish Spitz is one of the oldest breed of dogs and have been through centuries of struggle for their survival. [...]

Finnish Spitz - Cleanliness Lovers

The Finnish Spitz is a medium-sized and rugged dog breed, with a fox-like appearance and set of unique characteristics. The Finnish Spitz originated in Finland and is one of the oldest known breeds, with the breed standards dating back to 1812. [...]

The lively Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz is a small-sized breed of dogs of Finnish origin. Amongst other characteristics, they are most well known for their lively and alert nature. [...]

Finnish Spitz - The Sensitive Dog

The Finnish Spitz is medium-sized breed, with a sweet expression and a sturdy build. They are known to be excellent dogs to keep as household pets along with being good guard dogs. [...]

Things important to the Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz is one of the most sought after household pets. However, this breed of dogs also has certain characteristics which the potential owners should essentially know. [...]

Caring for the Finnish Spitz

The Finnish Spitz is one of the most attractive looking breed of dogs with a beautifully colored and textured coat. It is important that a proper care regimen is followed to keep these dogs in the best condition and free from any health problems. [...]

Things you didn't know about the Finnish Spitz!

The Finnish Spitz is one of the oldest known breeds and enjoys a long legacy across centuries. Along with its proud lineage, these dogs also possess certain unique characteristics and are known for some of the most interesting facts associated to their history and development. [...]

Finnish Spitz - The Gun Dog

The Finnish Spitz is a small-sized, rugged breed, with a fox-like appearance and a lively temperament. A member of the small hunting breeds, the Finnish Spitz originated in Finland and is one of the oldest known breeds, with the breed standards dating back to 1812. Known as the Finsk Spets and Suomen-pystyykorva in Finland, meaning the "Finnish prick-eared dog", these dogs are famous for their hunting and watchdog capabilities. The Gun Dogs, as they are often referred to, exhibit a perfect combination of the finer attributes of the Setter, Pointer, and the Retriever. [...]

Disorders in the Finnish Spitz - Inherited and Others

The Finnish Spitz are basically a healthy breed of dog and do not suffer from many of the ailments common with other breeds. [...]

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