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Nifty Gadgets For Grooming

Topic: Dog Grooming

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Filed under Dogs
Tags: Grooming, Miscellaneous

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portland, ME


If you have a dog with a specialty coat or if you are just looking for that cool item that will make grooming simple and easy you may want to do some browsing around on the internet. With the increase in dog grooming salons and businesses as well as the ability to buy almost any product online getting the latest in grooming supplies isn't difficult, and it usually isn't all that costly either.

Some ideas to consider for neat gadgets and supplies for grooming include:

  • Grooming tables - if you are a regular groomer or if you have a dog you are planning to show a grooming table at your home can really help you prepare your dog for show. These tables can be portable for easy traveling and storage or they can be solid for permanent use. The grooming table is high enough to allow you to work on the dog in comfort, plus it has storage areas for brushes and supplies as well as an area to secure the dog using the short lead. Some of the tables have electrical outlets to allow easy use of clippers, dryers and other electrical grooming supplies.

  • Grooming gloves or mitts - for dogs with very short hair these are ideal. They are either a glove or a mitt that simply slides onto the hand for easy grooming. The palm and inside of the fingers are texturized to trap dead hair and pull it way from the coat. The dog doesn't even realize he or she is being groomed; they are just getting a really thorough petting. These gloves are great for removing dead hair from the sensitive areas of the face and ears as well as for grooming the shorter hairs on the legs.

  • Curry Brushes - not just for horses, curry brushes or currycombs as they are sometimes called are ideal for stimulating the blood circulation to the skin as well as pulling dead hair out. They are solid, usually rubber or plastic, and are easy to clean with soap and water. They are typically oval in shape and fit in the palm of the groomers, hand, making them easy to control and very gentle on the dog.

  • Stripping knives - not really a knife the stripping knife or stripping blade is designed for wire-coated dogs that are stripped, not clipped. The flat, surface of the blade is used, with pressure from the ball of the thumb, to remove long, dead hairs from the coat by plucking, not cutting. Stripping knifes or blades are a bit challenging to get the hang of but they can really speed up the process of stripping a complete dog.

  • Finger sleeves - for a traditional stripping of a coat, finger sleeves, which are rubberized sleeves that simply slide over the index finger and thumb are used to help grip the long hairs and pluck them out. These sleeves can also be used in conjunction with some ear powder to pull long hairs out of the inner ear, a must for many breeds.

  • Dog bathing tubs - for really large breeds these walk in type tubs are ideal. The tub is at ground level and there is a small walk in door. The dog is simply led into the tub, and then the door is closed, creating a waterproof seal. The tub comes complete with a shower wand and a non-skid bottom, drain and even spaces to conveniently store shampoo and conditioners. When the bath is finished the door is opened and the dog simply walks out. This prevents any possible need for the dog to try to get over the ledge of a conventional tub, possible slipping or panicking in the process.

  • Dog dryers - for those breeds with long, thick or dense coats there are many different types of dryers. Hand held dryers like humans use, cage dryers, dryers that mount on tables or even dryers on portable stands are all options to consider. These dryers are specially designed to not overheat and possible burn or damage a dog's sensitive skin.

  • Brush cleaners - these handy items are just the thing for removing old, dead hair from your brushes and keeping them looking clean and new. The brush cleaners are simply used to brush through the brushes, pulling out the old hair.

  • Grooming supply totes - designed with grooming supplies in mind these totes have dozens of pockets, compartments and zippered areas to keep supplies in an orderly and neat fashion. For people that travel with or show their dogs a tote is a great investment in it prevents possibly leaving behind some important piece or tool of the grooming routine. Some totes come pre-set with brushes and tools while others are just the tote.

  • Dematting comb - this is a large toothed typically metal comb that closely resembles a hair pick. They are usually small in width that allows the groomer to focus on picking or combing a small area of the tangle at one time. Some also have trimmer blades attached to provide groomers the option of clipping out parts of the matt if it cannot be detangled.

  • Whitening powder - for a clean, dazzling look to a white dog or a dog with white patches a whitening powder may be just the thing. This powder is simply sprinkled on the white area of the dog and brushed through. The result is a bright, white coat that makes the dog look incredible.

  • Nail conditioner - for some dogs that have brittle nails due to either breed characteristics or health issues, there are nail conditioners that can be applied to help strengthen and provide nourishment to the nails. Usually these products are applied directly to the nails and the pads of the feet and then left on the surface. These products can also be used in the show ring to add a finishing touch.

  • Most of these gadgets and accessories are not essential to keep your dog looking his or her best, but they can help make work easier and make the grooming process more fun for both you and the dog.

    Other articles under "Dog Grooming"

    Article 1 - "Basic Grooming Supplies"
    Article 2 - "Proper Grooming Techniques"
    Article 3 - "Bathing A Dog"
    Article 4 - "Anal Glands"
    Article 5 - "Doggy Tooth Care"
    Article 6 - "Dog Nail Care"
    Article 7 - "Nifty Gadgets For Grooming"

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