Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia
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Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia

Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA)

Immune medicated hemolytic anemia (IMHA) is the new name for Auto Immune Hemolytic Anemia (AIHA) a condition where the feline autoimmune system attacks red blood cells. The Immune System treats the red blood cells as foreign bodies; sending out antibodies which coat the red blood cells with a protein substance to single them out of the blood circulation pool for destruction. This process is called extravascular hemolysis. At the same time, the bilirubin (iron) that is extracted from these marked blood cells are sent to the liver. When this process occurs, the liver and spleen begin having problems. The spleen is overworked by having to process damaged red blood cells and enlarges as result. The liver is overloaded with bilirubin causing jaundice. [...]

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