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Miscellaneous Disorders

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Dog Overweight? Don't Forget to Check the Thyroid

The thyroid gland performs a variety of functions, but is probably best known for its effect on regulating metabolism. Common in dogs and humans, hypothyroidism occurs when a dog's or person's body isn't producing enough thyroid hormone. In dogs this causes a wide variety of chronic symptoms, including lethargy, hair loss, a dull coat, skin problems, weight gain, obesity, anemia, high cholesterol and even a slowed heart rate or abnormal heart rhythms. As with humans, the symptoms are vague enough and non-specific enough that it's common for a dog to have the condition for several years before being diagnosed and treated. [...]

Common Condition Affects Dog Fertility

In normal male canines, the testicles develop in the abdomen and then descend into the scrotum before or shortly after birth. In pups with a condition known as cryptorchidism, however, either one or both testicles fail to descend within two months after birth and are left underdeveloped and non-functional. The undescended testicle(s) may remain inside the abdominal cavity or else drop into the groin tissues outside of the scrotum. [...]

Immune Disorders Strike Dogs as Well as Humans

As medical research teaches us more about the immune system, and as more and more autoimmune conditions are diagnosed in canines, especially purebreds, the issue of a dog's immunity is becoming a concern for would-be pet owners.In all mammals, the immune system serves as the body's defense against disease. It's comprised of white blood cells, antibodies and various other chemicals the body uses in its war against infections and any substance it perceives as foreign to the host animal. It's designed to combat any of these cells that it identifies as "non-self," and it does this through chemical markers that are found on the surface of every cell in the animal's body. It's this natural combative design that causes a person's or animal's body to reject blood transfusions, organ transplants and skin grafts. [...]


Panosteitis is a canine disease about which very little is known. It seems to occur almost at random (although German Shepherds as a breed tend to produce the most cases) and has a tendency to vanish and return with seemingly little provocation. The disease manifests as a sudden lameness in one leg without any preceding trauma, strain, or any of the problems usually associated with lameness. Typically, it will appear first in one of the front legs and then without warning shift to another leg (leaving the initial area) with no predictable pattern.Because of the mysterious nature of the disease, it often either goes undiagnosed or is misdiagnosed. However, recent studies have shown that X-Rays will almost invariably reveal a greater than usual bone density in animals that carry the disease. [...]

A Painful Foot Problem : Interdigital Cysts

There are few things as painful as cuts, lesions or warts on your feet, can you imagine how painful it would be for a dog to have a growth between their toes? Interdigital cysts are fairly common in most breeds of dogs, especially those with longer hair between the pads of the feet. In most dogs cysts start very similar to pimples or ingrown hairs and are infections in the sebaceous glands (oil glands) or the hair roots called follicular cysts. These cysts will occur between the toes and around the bottoms of the feet and, in the case of true cysts, will often occur in more than one foot. Typically dogs that are prone to cysts will have them reoccur throughout their life and there is little that owners can do to prevent the problem. They can, however, keep the hair trimmed between the pads and watch for any early signs of redness, swelling or lesions between the toes. [...]

Adrenal Gland Disorder Causes Hormone Deficiency

Some diseases respect neither rank nor species.Such is the case with Addison's disease, an adrenal gland disorder that can strike any breed of dog and any race of human, including former United States President John F. Kennedy. In cases of Addison's disease, the adrenal gland fails to produce enough steroid hormones, specifically two classes known as glucocorticoids and mineralocorticoids. The disease itself is named after British physician Dr. Thomas Addison, who first recognized and wrote about the problem in 1855. [...]

Kidney Stones in Dogs

Kidney stones in dogs, just like in humans, can be very painful and can lead to serious health issues if not treated. While some breeds may be predisposed to inherit the ability to create kidney stones, there are a certain number of factors that if combined could cause kidney stones to form in any dog. In this article, we'll look at what kidney stones are and how they form, what their symptoms are and how they can be treated.What are kidney stones?Dogs, just like humans, naturally have minerals in their bodies, such as calcium, magnesium, ammonia or phosphorus. Where there is too much of these mineral salts in the urine, they are filtered out through the kidneys. Because it can be difficult for these minerals to be soluble in the naturally acidic urine of dogs, these minerals can form stones. [...]

Liver Disease in Dogs

There are a number of liver diseases that can affect the health of any number of breeds of dogs. Unfortunately, there are no cures for some of them, but much can be done to help the dog stay active and comfortable during its shortened life. The liver is one of the most important organs in the body, including detoxifying the blood supply, removing waste, producing bile and aiding in digestion. In this article, we'll take a look at some of the diseases the liver can develop and what kinds of treatments are available. [...]

Low Immunity

Our immunity systems are our strongest line of defense against viruses, bacterial infections and other illnesses. The same is certainly true for our dogs. For newborn puppies, receiving nutrients through their mother's milk in the first few days of life is essential for building that line of defense. Adult dogs may encounter low immunity issues as the result of fighting other illnesses. In this article, we'll look at why a puppy's first three days are critical for its future health and what can by done for adult dogs with low immunity to help boost their immune systems. [...]

Low Thyroid

The thyroid gland performs a number of important functions, but it is mostly known for regulating the metabolism. When the thyroid malfunctions by not producing enough of the thyroid hormone, this can result in a disorder called hypothyroid and is often called low thyroid. While hypothyroid is easily treatable, a dog may suffer for years with this disorder before it is diagnosed. In this article, we'll take a look at how low thyroid is caused, which breeds are usually affected, and what treatment is available.What causes low thyroid?When the production of the thyroid hormone is impaired or reduced, the result is a disorder called hypothyroid. This hormone is produced in coordination between the pituitary gland, the hypothalamus and the thyroid gland, but 95% of cases of hypothyroid occur because of a breakdown in the thyroid. [...]

Hair Follicle Tumors - A Mostly Cosmetic Problem In Some Breeds

Hair follicle tumors are not pretty to have to deal with, but are typically not malignant or an indicator of cancer in dogs. There are several different types of hair follicle tumors, one that can be serious, so it is important to have any skin growths or tumors checked through a biopsy to ensure they are benign.Some breeds are more prone to hair follicle tumors than others. Poodles of all sizes are somewhat predisposed to this condition as are Cocker Spaniels and Basset Hounds. There is no indication that either males or females will be more prone to having the condition and it can occur at any age and with any type of diet. It has also not been linked to any particular grooming procedure and it seems from the research it may be an inherited condition but conclusive research has not been completed to be able state this as a fact. [...]

Rare Disorder Causes Partial Hair Loss in Dogs

If your dog has a multicolored coat then it may be susceptible to a rare condition known as Black Hair Follicular Dysplasia, or BHFD. A hereditary disorder carried through recessive genes, BHFD can appear in any purebred or crossbreed dog with a multi-colored coat. An as-yet-unidentified genetic defect in the skin pigment (melanin) and in the hair shaft formation is believed to be the cause.This condition causes the black or dark-haired portions of the coat to fall out when the animal is still a puppy or young dog, leaving behind bare skin. In the early stages, the pup's dark hair will gradually fade and take on a washed-out, gray or bluish cast. [...]

Smashed Face Equals Health Problems in Brachycephalic Dogs

If you're fond of dogs that have a "smashed in" face, then your pet likely falls into a special category of canine known as brachycephalic. The term comes from two Greek words: "brachy," which means short, and "cephalic," which means head.These types of dogs have been bred through the generations to have a normal lower jaw in proportion to their body, and a compressed, or shorter, upper jaw. Because of selective breeding, these dogs also have developed a number of health conditions that may cause concerns.Specifically, these dogs often have brachycephalic respiratory syndrome, a condition that affects different areas of the respiratory tract. Breeds most often affected are Boston Terriers, Bulldogs, Pekingese, Pugs and Shih Tzus. [...]

Copper Toxicosis: Most Often Found In The Terrier Breeds

As the name implies, copper toxicosis is literally a poisoning or toxicity due to an over abundance of copper in the blood. Most dogs have a natural mechanism or metabolic process to allow the liver to effectively excrete or store copper in the body to aid in correct body functioning. In dogs with copper toxicosis the liver is either incorrectly secreting excess copper or it is the copper storage in the body is not functioning properly, causing the body to absorb and store copper until it reaches a fatally toxic level.The pureblood dogs that are most commonly affected by this condition are the Bedlington Terrier, West Highland White Terrier and the Skye Terrier, although other terrier breeds can have the condition. Besides the obvious terrier breeds Doberman Pinschers, which do have a terrier component to their heritage are also known to have problems with copper toxicosis. [...]

Hanging Tongue Syndrome A Real Problem For Small Breeds

You know how much it hurts when your lips are dry and chapped, well now imagine how it would feel to have the end or part of your tongue always dry and cracked. That is exactly what dogs with hanging tongue syndrome have to deal with every day. Although many smaller breeds such as the Mexican Hairless, Chihuahua, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels and some of the brachycephalic breeds such as Pugs are most prone to the condition it can also be seen in larger breeds such as the German Shepherd.The condition is caused by an injury or trauma to the jaw or muzzle, a neurological problem or an anatomical malformation that prevents the dog from pulling his or her tongue back into the mouth. Normally dogs will pant and even sit with their tongues hanging out to stay cool, but they do pull the tongue back in to swallow and to moisten the surface. [...]

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