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Your Commitment To A Dog

Deciding to bring home a dog or a puppy is a big step in most individual's lives, and is not one that should be made on the spur of the moment. A dog is a living animal, that has both physical and emotional needs, just the same as any other type of pet. Dogs, through selective breeding, have become excellent companions, ideal for families, individuals and even for homes with small children. Understanding the complete commitment to having a dog as a pet will help you in deciding exactly what type of dog you will need, or even if a dog is the best type of pet for you and your family. There are four main areas to consider when deciding if you are prepared to make the necessary commitment to owning a dog. These areas include the emotional commitment you must make, the environmental space and areas you must provide, the training and socialization activities necessary to own a well behaved and well adjusted dog, as well as the dog experience you may or may not have. In order to understand the various aspects of these commitments, it is important to consider them one at a time. [...]

How to Discipline Afghan Hounds

Afghan hounds are independent thinkers and generally don't care if their actions please you or not. Of course there are exceptions, but this is the general nature of the breed. They are also known for their emotional sensitivity which makes discipline a tricky business. [...]

Five Reasons a Bloodhound is not for Everyone

There are some reasons why a Bloodhound might not be right for you including their size, tendency to drool, they are not the smartest dog outside of their excellent sense of smell, their short life span, and they are terribly unmotivated. As one can see, they are basically a hyperactive dog that has to be watched all the time to make sure they do not eat something that can harm them. [...]

American Pit Bull Terrier: A Fearsome Reputation

The American Pit Bull Terrier has received a lot of negative publicity in recent years, which has given it a fearsome reputation. This reputation has led to a general dislike of the breed among the overall public, and has even led to increases in insurance premiums for owners and local bans on the dogs.The fearsome reputation of the American Pit Bull Terrier stems from a series of well-publicized attacks by dogs of the breed, a number of which resulted in human fatalities. [...]

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