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Welsh Springer Spaniels

Aliases: Welshie, velcro dog

Welsh Springer Spaniel For Sale

Welsh Springer Spaniel Articles

Communicating with your Welsh Springer Spaniel

Effective communication is a key aspect to any successful relationship from husband and wife to Welsh Springer Spaniel and owner. To ensure a lasting relationship, you have to rely on your ability to make your requests understood by your pet and make sure that you understand him. Because you both speak different languages, you'll have to compromise to a certain extent in the beginning to open the lines of communication. Through trial or error, you and your Welsh Springer Spaniel will have to communicate on everything from training to playtime. [...]

Obedience Training for your Welsh Springer Spaniel

Obedience training for your dog can mean many things to many different owners, but a common mistake often made by first time pet owners is that they focus only on getting their dog to obey them. Your Welsh Springer Spaniel is a somewhat independent dog and the best type of obedience training that will work will be one that focuses on a well-behaved dog rather than a dog who listens well. The major difference is that one method requires a reactive dog who merely responds to your requests; the other is more suited to the independent-minded Welsh Springer Spaniel because it focuses on teaching your dog how to behave well all of the time. [...]

Socializing your Welsh Springer Spaniel

The decision to adopt a Welsh Springer Spaniel comes with lots of responsibility, but nothing that is beyond the grasp of a willing owner. Socializing your Welsh Springer Spaniel is an on-going process that must be intensive at least until the Welshie reaches adulthood which will likely be about four years. Socializing your Welshie consists of getting your new pet used to other people, other pets and other elements of the outside world that he probably was not exposed to before joining your family. [...]

Stages of Growth for your Welsh Springer Spaniel

When it comes to stages of growth, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is as predictable as a teenage girl. The stages, for the most parts, are similar but with a basic understanding of your pup's temperament, you can tailor these to best suit your needs. Understanding the stages of growth for your Welsh Springer Spaniel will help you in all aspects of training and acclimating your dog to his new environment. These basic stages will provide you with a deeper understanding of how to interact with your pet during each pivotal stage. [...]

Teaching your Welsh Springer Spaniel Tricks

Teaching your Welsh Springer Spaniel to do tricks should be a fun task that you can enjoy together. But, in order to teach your Welshie new tricks, you'll have to improve your communication skills by beginning with a few short and simple tricks. Once you improve those skills, training your dog more difficult tricks will be a walk in the park. In no time, you and your Welsh Springer Spaniel will be the talk of the neighborhood with all of your entertaining tricks. [...]

Welsh Springer Spaniel: Great Hunting Companion

The Welsh Springer Spaniel is a dog that was made for hunting. It is a descendant of a great hunting dog that was introduced to Wales in the year 250 B.C. But interest in a dog that hunted with more forethought was required and from that need, the Welsh Springer Spaniel was born. Until the Welsh Springer Spaniel was first bred, the hunters on the continent had to contend with hunting dogs that provided no warning to their owners prior to flushing the bird. Instead, they required a dog that would wait until the hunter was properly in place, a technique that the Welsh Springer Spaniel is still popular for today. [...]

Welsh Springer Spaniel & the Great Outdoors

As a gundog, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is used to spending a great deal of time outside. But even as a puppy, before the hunting instincts really kick in, you'll notice that your Welshie loves running free in the outdoors! Never a stranger to hard work, the Welsh Springer Spaniel has high endurance and is capable of keeping up with even the most avid outdoorsmen. [...]

Welsh Springer Spaniel: Weird facts Did you know?

The energy and affection received by the owner of a Welsh Springer Spaniel is unmatched. Because of his extended childhood, the Welshie is able to hold on to his playful demeanor for much longer and often appears as just a "big kid" to his owner. Beyond the information that you should know to keep your pet happy, healthy and safe, there are some very interested and odd facts about the Welsh Springer Spaniel. [...]

What to feed your Food-Oriented Welsh Springer Spaniel

Just like most human beings, the Welsh Springer Spaniel is highly motivated by food. Knowing this small bit of information will change your training methods and make your life a whole lot easier. Because doggie treats are a great form of positive reinforcement, your Welsh Springer Spaniel can be easily trained to do just about anything with the promise of his favorite treat. There are however, a few things you should know about properly feeding your Welshie to maintain a healthy size and beautiful coat. [...]

Your Restless Welsh Springer Spaniel

As the owner of a Welsh Springer Spaniel, you should know that most don't reach adulthood until about four years of age. This can be a great thing because you get four full years of cute, adorable puppy that's full of energy! But, it can also mean that you'll have to put up with typical puppy behaviors like separation anxiety and restlessness much longer. The good news is that there's something you can do to stop or redirect the destruction that generally follows these behaviors. It's not that your puppy is punishing you for leaving him home all alone. [...]

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