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Weird Facts/Did You Know: The Miniature Pinscher

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Tags: Miniature Pinscher, Weird Facts

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The Miniature Pinscher is also referred to as The Reigning King of Toys. Many owners point out that their personality certainly denotes such a title. The proud strut of the Min Pin is commonly compared to that of a hackney pony. Another curious trait of the Min Pin is its ability to find lost things; but many chalk this up to its inquisitiveness that is almost catlike in nature. They will explore under dressers, behind curtains, and any other small openings they come across. This stems from their days as vanquishers of vermin and other small burrowing animals. It is extremely important to provide a safe environment for this breed. A Min Pin in Florida named Rosie was stuck in a small forgotten storm drain for nearly two days before rescuers could pull her out!

Owners find the curious nature of their Min Pin has them participating in behaviors that range from laughable to amazing. The Min Pin has often been found to be quite enthralled with the sounds and noises that come off of TV and radio. They are often found, ears perked, raptly paying attention to TV screens or radio speakers. Though rather proud, the Min Pin is also able to do a number of tricks, such as standing on hind legs and sitting up and begging. Their King of the Household attitude can also find them opening refrigerator doors and helping themselves to whatever they find. The only trick that can be not so great is if they eat something that lands them in the veterinarian's office.

Because of their size, having a dog like the Min Pin offers many advantages. Small dogs bear less weight on joints, their hearts pump less to get blood through their bodies, and there is less growth hormone in their system. All these things plus regular checkups with a vet mean a Min Pin can live a good long, healthy life. However, it is important to beware of breeders offering smaller than average or teacup Min Pins. There is only one standard size for the Miniature Pinscher breed and anything smaller than average can mean a host of health problems and large vet bills.

Thanks to its days as a burrow dog, the Min Pin is known to be a very competent escape artist. Any type of loose board in a yard or opportunity to dig their way under a fence will not be passed up. Some owners have underestimated their Min Pin's size assuming the breed will not leap over or across certain lengths. The breed however is quite adept at climbing fences, with no fear of jumping from one surface to another. They will often use a number of techniques together, including unlocking latches, just to get out of a yard so they can explore. Once the Min Pin learns a technique that works they tend to stick with it but are not totally opposed to changing their modus operandi when necessary.

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Weird Facts/Did You Know: The Miniature Pinscher
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