Miniature Pinscher
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Miniature Pinscher

Is the Miniature Pinscher Really Related to the Doberman?

The fact that they have a common name and are similar in looks has many wondering if the Miniature Pinscher and Doberman are actually related. Not to mention the Mini Pinscher comes off as a very good guard dog, presenting a brave front in the face of danger. It is easy to see how one would presume the two are related; however, the two breeds were actually developed decades apart, with the Mini Pinscher coming first. In fact, the Pinscher name was eventually dropped from Doberman because so many other breeds were used to create it; the general feeling was that it did not wholly describe or fit the breed. [...]

The Min Pin and its Many Coats of Color

The Miniature Pinscher is most commonly noted for looking like the smaller version of the Doberman. The black and rust color found on the face, legs, and rump all nicely corresponds in both breeds. It is no wonder so many speculate whether or not the two are related. In fact the Min Pin comes in other colors, most that once again resemble the Doberman's other colors. The breed can commonly be found in what is called stag red, chocolate, or, in some cases, plain black. [...]

Your Lifestyle, Your Children, Your Other Animals and the Miniature Pinscher

Though once used for ridding barns of rats and other vermin, the Miniature Pinscher is now deemed a toy breed and a very reliable companion. Nonetheless, all its character traits are still present and they must now fit in with the new expectations of the modern dog. Nearly everyone wants a dog that is smart, friendly, and perfect with their children and other animals. [...]

Ear Cropping, Tail Docking and the Miniature Pinscher

The issue of cropping ears and docking tails has become a focal point for many dog breeders and owners. Back in the days when dogs were largely used for work and herding purposes, docking tails and cropping ears was a matter of safety. Now, with dogs taking on more of a companion role, the practice is mostly considered cosmetic. [...]

Overfeeding and the Min Pin

If there is one concern that every new Min Pin owner should know about, it is the issue of overfeeding. Though full of energy, the Min Pin is a small dog that has certain calorie requirements. Upon receiving a pup from a reputable breeder, a new owner will likely receive a week long supply of what the dog has been eating and detailed instructions for a daily feeding routine. [...]

How Many Min Pins Does it Take to Chew Up a House?

The Miniature Pinscher is a breed that may be small but has a big need to keep its mind and body as busy as possible. They delight in having fun, being the center of attention, and interacting with their owner. There have been more than a few who have gone into owning a Min Pin with the misguided assumption that little effort will be required for exercise. [...]

How Much Space Will a Min Pin Need?

Some new owners look at the toy breed that is the Miniature Pinscher and assume that keeping such a small dog is nothing but smooth sailing. After all, it is no more than approximately twelve inches high with a slight but healthy structure and a graceful, ginger gait. [...]

Min Pin Mating and Pregnancy

The majority of canine pregnancies that veterinarians see are unplanned events. This comes from having little knowledge of a dog's breeding habits and being in the wrong place at the wrong time. As most responsible owners know, the mating of dogs to breed for profit is a serious business that should be left only to those with in depth knowledge and experience on the matter. [...]

When a Min Pin Turns Out to Be the Wrong Choice

Min Pins are an engaging breed and it is not uncommon for them to be snatched up in the heat of the moment. Unfortunately, one month and three pairs of shoes down the road some find Min Pin ownership is not always what it's cracked up to be. While a few blame the dog or the breed, in reality it is often the dog following its nature and the owner's expectations just do not match. [...]

Weird Facts/Did You Know: The Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is also referred to as The Reigning King of Toys. Many owners point out that their personality certainly denotes such a title. The proud strut of the Min Pin is commonly compared to that of a hackney pony. Another curious trait of the Min Pin is its ability to find lost things; but many chalk this up to its inquisitiveness that is almost catlike in nature. They will explore under dressers, behind curtains, and any other small openings they come across. [...]

High End Fashions For Our Four Legged Friends

If the truth be told, there are really very few people that don't find it amusing, attractive and just plain old cute to see different types of dogs in very stylish designer clothing. However, there are also some breeds of dogs that just aren't good matches for clothes, usually because they are big, rugged, outdoorsy types of dogs in the first place. Adding a few clothing accessories to these types of dogs for special occasions and events is still fun, and with the wide selection available in styles and types it won't be difficult to find the perfect item. [...]

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