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Aliases: Dutch Barge Dog, Smiling Dutchman, Chien Loup, German Spitz, Wolfsspitz, Deutscher Wolfsspitz, Kees

Keeshond For Sale

Keeshond Articles

What Kinds Of Tricks Can You Teach Your Keeshond?

Many Keeshond owners can teach their little dogs to do some fascinating tricks. Aside from agility training there are some other tricks a Keeshond can do. What we as humans consider tricks are considered playing by the Keeshond. They have their own sets of tricks as well as the ones you teach them. Because the Keeshond bores easily, you should never make them perform all their tricks at one time, they can decide to give up and sit without listening. Keeshonds are great performers as well as clowns and try to make you happy in every way. [...]

Living In A House With A Keeshond

The Keeshond does very well living in any sized home. They are a known protector of their domain. They alert you to intruders and make for an ideal companion. Their instinct to protect and guard the home is natural more than it is taught. They are beautiful furry little dogs not weighing much more than thirty-five pounds. They are however, a dominant dog and like to have control. They accomplish this with their eye contact and their movements. Keeshonds are known to protect, but if you as their owner accepts someone into the house, they will accept this as well. [...]

Your Keeshond May Talk and Bark For Various Reasons

Generally, a Keeshond is a quiet dog, but there are reasons why they "talk" and bark. If you understand why they are doing this, it will be less annoying than if you have no idea why they are doing this. The Keeshond is not noted as a constant barker, but if they seem to be barking at things that they do not need to, you can teach them to quiet instead of letting them bark at everything. They will bark at strangers that come into the house until you say it is okay for that person to be there. [...]

How Does The Keeshond Interact With People And Other Animals?

The Keeshond adapts easily to children and other animals such as a dog. They like to be a part of the group and prefer to be in the house with everyone. The Keeshond is actually a great family dog due to their loyalty and need to please. They adapt well with children as long as they are not mistreated. If you are bringing a new puppy in the home, you should have no problems with children and the Keeshond living together. [...]

Your Keeshond From Birth To Six Months

Understanding the birth to the first six months of your Keeshond life is important in understanding the breed and their development. As you can imagine from looking at a full-grown Keeshond, they are very small when they are first born. [...]

Personalities Of A Keeshond

The Keeshond has a unique personality. They are sweet and very outgoing. They show their owners and family love and will accept people into the house and be polite if you have no concerns with the newcomer. If you show fear or concern, the Keeshond will stand guard to protect you. They have a strong and sharp bark that will warn someone to stay away. They are not known biters, but then any dog can have their limits pushed to the extent of biting. The Keeshond is a remarkable dog with a sweet personality, but they can also show their devious side and pull some little tricks on you. [...]

What Does The Keeshond Like To Do?

The Keeshond is mostly fond of being with its family. They do like to play, take walks, sleep and follow you around. They are great in agility shows as long as they do not pull any little tricks on you and cause an embarrassing scene. Many dog handlers have stories of a perfectly well trained dog upstaging the entire show with a few antics of their own. These are just more stories that attract people to the breed itself. They are clowns at some times and can make you laugh. That is why they are so good for family living. [...]

Should You Breed Your Keeshond?

Before you decide to breed your Keeshond, you have to consider the cost, the health of your dog, determine if you can sell the puppies as well as ask yourself if you think you have the skills to take care of a mother and her puppies. Breeding a Keeshond is something that can end up being too much for someone with no experience. [...]

What You Need To Know About A Female And A Male

When you decide you want a Keeshond, you next need to decide if you want a female or a male. You will find that the differences are slight except for the obvious difference between the male and female. [...]

Weird Facts Did You Know?

Here you will find some interesting and weird facts about the Keeshond, a very unique and interesting start to a popular dog breed. The Start of the Breed The American Kennel Club recognized the Keeshond in 1949. It was however introduced to the American Kennel Club in 1930 as a non-sporting dog. The Keeshond Club was established in 1935. There are a total of eighteen dog breeds including the Keeshond in the Non-sporting group according to the American Kennel Club. [...]

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