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Aliases: Peke, Lion dog

Pekingese For Sale

Pekingese Articles

The Pekingese and Aggression

There are many terms that can be used to describe the temperament of the Pekingese dog, but the one that most often comes to mind is stubborn. The Pekingese is also a very jealous dog and often this jealousy shows in the form of aggression. They may get very aggressive towards other dogs in their house or even in the neighborhood if they're nearby. Whereas most dogs can be socialized into getting along with other dogs, the Pekingese is a hard and stubborn dog to budge. [...]

The Pekingese and Grooming

The Pekingese is a small breed dog that many people think don't need a lot of grooming because they are kept indoors. They need the same grooming as any other dog. Their hair gets matted and tangled very easily if it is not brushed daily. They should not be shampooed too often, but can be dry shampooed on a regular basis. The more often you brush their hair, the less they will need to see a professional groomer for grooming. With regular grooming, they only need to see a groomer every three months or more. [...]

The Pekingese and Heart Problems

The Pekingese is a very active and relatively healthy dog, but like any other dog it does have some health issues. One of the main health problems in the Pekingese is congestive heart failure. In fact, congestive heart failure is also the leading cause of death in the Pekingese. When it is diagnosed in a puppy at a young age, it can often be successfully treated with medication. This is, however, provided it is diagnosed at an early age. When it is properly diagnosed and treated, the Pekingese is often able to live a long and healthy life. [...]

The Pekingese and Housebreaking

Getting a new dog or puppy is a very exciting and fun experience for anyone lucky enough to own a dog. It entails a lot of responsibility and housebreaking is probably the least fun of these responsibilities. Many people think that housebreaking a Pekingese is easy because they are little dogs. They believe little dogs make little messes. While that part may be a fact, another fact is that the Pekingese, like many small dogs, are often more difficult to housebreak. [...]

The Pekingese as a Family Pet

When choosing a family pet, there are many choices from which to pick. While many people like large dogs for protection, many people are still choosing small breeds such as the Pekingese or "The Peke". The Pekingese is a small breed of dog in the toy family. It is important to realize and remember that even though they are small in size, they are every bit as much of a dog as a large dog - in some ways more. They are a loving and affectionate dog that loves to be cuddled and given lots of attention. [...]

The Pekingese and Their Experiences With the Heat

Dogs have coats of hair on their body that act as insulation for the summer months as well as the winter months. This is the purpose of them shedding and growing new hair. Sometimes, however, even with their heavy coats they have difficulty dealing with certain temperatures. This is definitely the case with the Pekingese. The Pekingese is very heat sensitive and may have many difficulties dealing with the hot months of summer. [...]

The Pekingese in the Show Ring

The Pekingese is a very beautiful little dog that is used as a pet, companion and a great show dog. The Pekingese has won many championship titles in a variety of different categories and shows. Although many owners purchase their Pekingese for a pet, they eventually work him into becoming a show dog as well. When the Pekingese Organization first began, the breed was divided into two groups depending on their weight, with one being under 10 pounds and the other over 10 pounds. There were many problems with these restrictions and regulations until the Kennel Club stepped in and decided there should only be one breed. [...]

Pekingese Weird Facts/Did you Know?

The Pekingese dog originated in China and was highly regarded by the Chinese Imperial Court, who call them the Dog of Foo or Fu. They have been around for over 2000 years and are very sacred to the Emperors of China even today. They were so loved by the ancient Chinese that they were carried in the sleeves of their robes. There are different accounts of how the Pekingese originally came to be. They both are very entertaining theories. [...]

The Pekingese - A Difficult Dog?

The Pekingese is breed of toy dog that is very popular as a family pet. They are popular with the elderly, single families and families with children. They are very loving affectionate dogs that will protect you with their lives in spite of their small size. As wonderful as they are as pets, they can also be very difficult dogs to own. The Pekingese or Peke likes to think of himself as the boss of the household and will try to get away with as much as possible. [...]

Pekingese, They Are What They Eat

Feeding a dog is often a matter of trial and error to find the correct dog food for your dog. Finding the correct dog food for the dog is more than just finding something that the dog will eat, but rather finding a good quality dog food. A dog food that is good is one that your dog not only enjoys, but also it is nutritionally healthy for them. Many Pekingese owners have a difficult time getting both of these accomplished. [...]

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