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Boston Terriers

Aliases: Boston Bull dog, Boston bull terrier, Boston bull, Boston

Boston Terrier For Sale

Boston Terrier

Ratings and Attributes

13-15 years

4 pups

Non-sporting group.


Bostons are either: Black and white, Brown and white, brindle and white, and (in rare cases) red and white.



Lite Shed

15-17 inches (38.1-43 CM)

10-25 pounds (4.5-11.3 KG)

15-17 inches (38.1-43 CM)

10-25 pounds (4.5-11.3 KG)

Bostons can adapt very well. They are happy living in apartments, small homes, large homes, mansions, in the city with short daily walks, or the country with a lot of room to run and play. They are inside dogs and MUST be kept inside. They have a hard time handling harsh weather and they are much happier inside with their family than they would be outside.


Boston terriers are compact dogs. They have big flat heads with no wrinkles, wide-set dark eyes, small erect ears, and a wide flat snout with an ample black nose. Their frame is boxy, with a nice muscular build, and a short stubby tail. The fur of a Boston is fine, short, and thin. The neck is slightly arched, leading down to a broad chest. Their face shows a lot of personality and intelligence. A Boston's limbs are straight and well pronounced, and close to the same size as his body. They are odor-free and rarely shed. Bostons are a very easy going dog and can adapt to almost any living condition. The city or country, apartment or mansion, but keep in mind they are inside dogs. They get along great with children, other dogs, cats, and other animals. They love to please you and will do anything to keep you happy. Nothing makes a better door bell than a Boston. As soon as there is a knock at the door most of them will come running and wagging their little stump tails to tell you about it. If you want a dog that will lay around with you all day, a Boston is your dog. If you want a dog to do agility with you, a Boston is your dog. They can and will do just about anything as long as you don't try to take them swimming.

Boston Terrier Puppies

We have Boston Terrier Puppies For Sale, please support our Boston Terrier breeders!

Coat Description

Bostons have a thin, short, fine coat that does not shed much. Their coat is usually black and white, brown and white, brindle and white, or in some cases red and white. The white will cover its belly, come up the chest, around the neck, and come down the middle of the face to the nose. They may also have white paws. Your Boston terrier may have more or less white on them. The standard is the markings are described above.


The breed originated around 1870 when Robert C. Hooper purchased a dog known as Hooper's Judge. Hooper's Judge was a cross between an English bulldog and an English terrier. Hooper's Judge was then bred down with a smaller female. The offspring were then bred down again with one or more French bulldogs, which were what provided the foundation for the Boston terrier. Bred down from pit fighting dogs the original Boston weighed about 44lbs. Their weight was once classified at light weight, middle weight, and heavy weight. They were first shown in Boston in 1870 and in 1893 the breed was admitted to membership in the American Kennel Club (AKC). The Boston is the first US breed to be recognized and is one of a few breeds to have originated into the United States that the AKC recognizes. The Boston terrier was the first non-sporting dog bred in the United States. In the early years the color and markings were not important, but by the 1900's the breeds distinctive markings and color were written into the standard, becoming an essential feature. "Terrier" is only in name to the Boston, as it has lost most of its ruthless desire for mayhem, prefers the company of humans, and though a few males will challenge dogs if they feel their territory is being invaded, the Boston does not fit the Terrier stereotype.


The temperament of a Boston is hard to describe. They are unlike any other breed there is. They are very loving, caring, wanting to please at all times. It takes a lot to make a Boston mad, but when they do get upset they walk away. They are very easy to train, they love to learn, and catch on very fast. They are quite sensitive to the tone of your voice, using a harsh tone will upset them and when they are upset their face shows it. Many Boston owners have said they make great watch dogs and only bark when they feel it's a must. Others say their females don't bark at all. They are great with kids, great for the elderly and friendly to strangers once they are sure the stranger is not going to harm their family. They are a very playful breed, very affectionate, and very much a part of the family, and very popular in the United States because of its excellent character. Although they love to please and are easy to train, house breaking can be a small problem. Over all a Boston is a gentle, alert, very intelligent, and well-mannered dog.

Health Problems

These little guys do have Health Problems.
With their short faces they can have problems breathing, especially when stressed or hot. Some can have problems with Allergies as well. Their big, buggy eyes are easy to harm. The biggest eye problem is Corneal Ulcers. Around 1 in 10 will experience Corneal Ulcers in their life time. Corneal Ulcers are caused initially by injury to the eyes. They are also prone to Cataracts and Juvenile Cataracts.

Deafness has been known to occur in Boston's sense the beginning of the breed. Deafness can occur in any Boston, but it is more prone to affect Bostons that have one or both eye blue or white and there offspring.
The most common orthopedic problem found in Bostons is patellar luxation, which can lead to rupture of the anterior cruciate ligament. Occasionally Bostons can suffer hip dysphasia, but this condition occurs more often in large breeds, while patellar luxation is more common in small breeds.

Ingrown or corkscrew tails can become a serious problem. The tail grows backwards and down creating a deep crevice that can become painful and infected. In severe cases the tails need amputated. Milder cases require attention to keeping the area clean and dry to maintain the pet's comfort.


Bostons have a thin, fine, short coat. They do not shed much and little grooming is needed. An occasional brushing with a firm bristle brush is enough. However the face should be cleaned with a damp cloth daily and nails need to be clipped occasionally. They can also get dry skin, but nothing a good conditioner can't take care of. They also should have the occasional bath and a good cleaning around the tail every other week, more or less depending on how dirty your Boston gets, how hard they play, and if they decided to roll in a mud puddle. Grooming a Boston is very easy. They enjoy being brushed, and usually don't mind their feet being touched. They can't always swim and some are not fond of water so they may shake a little during a bath. While clipping make sure not to clip very much nail off. If you clip off too much they will bleed. If this happens, apply corn starch or flour on the nail. The bleeding may last awhile but your Boston will be fine.


Bostons Do not need a lot of exercise. They love going for walks, however interactive play provides them with more than enough exercise with the attention he craves and loves. You should never push your Boston to exercise outside in extreme temperatures because they cannot handle intense heat or cold. Always remember that they may have difficulty breathing due to their short muzzle, so be careful with strenuous exercise. Bostons are very happy doing anything from playing fetch inside to going on hikes with you. Just make sure you have plenty of water and are able to break when they need to so they don't overheat.


Bostons terriers are very easy to train. They love to please, they love to learn, and catch on very fast. They can be a little slow when it comes to house training but they will catch on quicker than many breeds. They are very sensitive to the tone in your voice, speak harshly to your Boston and you will see the sadness in his eyes. They learn well if you spend a lot of time with them. They are social little guys and crave attention. They need proper socialization at an early age because sometimes males can be quite territorial. Using small treats and praising works well for Bostons, they respond to positive reinforcement better than discipline. A happy Boston is a Boston that is ready to learn and ready to please. There is nothing better than a happy Boston terrier. Stay consistent and take at least a few minutes to train each day. Do not stretch each a training period too long or your Boston will get bored. Mix it up and work on one trick for a few minutes, then go to another. Wile training a Boston, a small bag of cut-up hot dogs will become very useful. Make it fun. Remember a Boston wants to please you. Turn training into a game you both will enjoy, that way your Boston won't get bored and nether will you.

Boston Terrier For Sale

Boston Terrier
Price: $950+ T0 1550+ & UP
Location: Bayside, Queens, NY 11361

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Boston Terrier (Boston Bull dog, Boston bull terrier, Boston bull, Boston)
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